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How to get FTX Central 4 to recognize existing ORBX files


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OK, so I appreciate the improvement of Central 4 over Central 3.  Central 3 was useless if you were installing the huge ORBX terrain files on a large drive that was different to the small drive that you had X-Plane installed on (a very common issue in X-Plane I would have thought). 


But when (as part of a new ORBX purchase installation process) I point Central 4 at the previously-installed ORBX files in a dummy X-Plane folder on the large HDD that I used previously, it states that 'The library location isn't empty' - see screen capture.  No it's not - it contains all the other ORBX files that wouldn't fit on my tiny SSD where X-Plane is installed!


Is there any way of getting Central 4 to recognize those installed files as ORBX files?  Or do I have to delete them all and start from scratch with new downloads from ORBX (and repeat the huge downloads that I have to do from scratch, as well as likely dealing with troubleshooting the associated links to the X-Plane installation on the small SSD which probably won't work now)? 


C'mon ORBX.  Your stock-in-trade involves huge files.  You should make it easy for your customers to handle these.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks. Actually, X-Plane seemed to have accepted both the new and old ORBX folders. 


But now I have a new problem.  I've had to re-install X-Plane on a new drive, and now X-Plane doesn't recognize the new folder created by Orbx Central 4.  Of course I could create the links manually with the newly installed ORBX files, but it would be far more elegant (and labour-saving for future installations), if Orbx Central 4 could be linked to my new X-plane installation.  Is there any way I can tell Orbx Central 4 where my new X-Plane installation is located?

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There should be a reference of the installation of your new XP available in Orbx Central. You need to click on the section I have circled and arrowed in the below pic, and you will then see all the installations of sims. You then need to click on the correct version. If you hover your mouse over the listed installations it will tell you the installation location. Then choose the installation you want. Having deleted the previous version has not necessarily removed the details of that initial installation, as you will see if you open Users/your name/AppData/Local and scroll down to the bottom of that file and you will see a txt file called x-plane_install.txt:



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