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KBVS - missing apron and parkings textures

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Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. 
I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.


You will need to go to settings/Libraries and create a new Library in a location of your choosing, this is required for the installation of ObjectFlow 2 for Orbx Central, then it will be installed and use 7mb of space in that new folder, and everything will work properly. You do not need to use this folder for anything else, Orbx Central will then give you the choice to install your products to that folder or to the root simulator folder. If you have already done this then there maybe two versions of Objectflow still installed, so please see the below topic.


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38 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date.


Yes. The second screenshot. 


38 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.


Tnx, I'll check it out. Where can I find this? In the Orbx Central settings? 



38 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

You will need to go to settings/Libraries and create a new Library


I've already done the step. And I can see the Object Flow  .dll file there. 


38 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Central will then give you the choice to install your products to that folder or to the root simulator folder


Yes, I chose the second opinion 

But I followed instructions during set up of the Orbx Central and approved the setup wizard to delete FTX Central. 

However I'll make sure to delete the duplication. 


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15 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

In this case, it is the exact cause of the problem.


20 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

 If you have already done this then there maybe two versions of Objectflow still installed, so please see the below topic.



I've checked it out and no.

I would agree with both of you but I do not have  double instances. Moreover there is no add-on  Objectflow in my prepar3D add-ons list. Although there is a section in addons.cfg (see screenshots). What did I do wrong?












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As far as I can see, the path to your Documents folder is in fact E:\Documents,

whereas in the add-ons file the Discovery Path seems to be referenced as


P3D will therefore be looking for  E:\=My_Doc= which does not contain objectflow,

though apparently it does contain all your other addons.


Try editing this line to match your file structure.


PATH=E:\Documents\Orbx Library\p3dv4



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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


As far as I can see, the path to your Documents folder is in fact E:\Documents,

whereas in the add-ons file the Discovery Path seems to be referenced as




Negative Sir,

in Windows 10  "Documents" - just an alias. And E:\=my_doc= - is a physical name



If you look at my previous screenshots you'll see that \Documents\Prepar3D v4 Addons folder in Explorer is resolved to E:\=My_Doc= name in the Add-ons tab in the Prepar3D panel. And I have no issues with the other Addons. And I had not a single problem with ORBX sceneries before migration to Orbx Central 

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It appears to me that the objectflow files are not in E:\=My_Doc= but are in fact in



Your screen shot clearly shows the actual path to objectflow as

E:\Documents\Orbx Library\p3dv4

Your image of the add-ons.cfg file clearly shows the Discovery path to that folder as

E:\=My_Doc=\ORBX LIBRARY\p3dv4


Unless these two paths match, P3D will not see objectflow, as indeed it does not.


It seems to me that you must have created E:\Documents,

as the path to the Windows alias that you refer to is

C:\Users\your name\Documents\



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23 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



Please open Orbx Central and go to my products/misc/ and select Orbx ObjectFlow and click on the verify files option.


I've verified files:

And during verifying I checked Windows Resource Monitor and saw that ObjectFlow Files are checking in the folder I had set in the Orbx Central Libraries

But still no ObjectFlow in add-ons




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Not a problem. 

I appreciate any help. 

I just don't have a spare time to clear up Windows basics.

To determine a path to the Documents or other user personal profile folder it's more usefull to check standard Windows registry key described in knowlege Base arilcles like one here

Maybe It would be usefull for other simmers who whenever face similar issue. 

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