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Rogue Landclass Central America


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I did a fresh install of P3d as well as Orbx Global, Vector, LC NA and SA however I did notice this strange landclass entry on installing LC NA. It seems to be a rogue "Fall" texture which appears in this region (the entire Central America; the screenshots are at MRLB however the entire region is littered with this texture) by default (before any Orbx installs). This region does not experience these seasons (only wet/dry seasons here) so I was glad when Orbx Global fixed it (all green now despite time of year). I did notice however when I installed the Orbx Landclass that this texture appeared. Additionally there seems to be no autogen on the texture.

 I have tried all the usual fixes with no solution (Verified all installs, resynced, and reordered the Scenery order).



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I did. Even verified Vector, Global, LC NA and SA. I also deleted Scenery Indexes. Additionally, just to note, I got this problem with a vanilla P3d install (4.5.HF2) with ONLY Orbx Global, LC NA and SA,Vector, and Trees.(No PTA, REX etc installed yet).

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Verified LC SA and then Synced. No joy.

I'm not sure if this would have made a difference but my recent installs (Global, Vector etc) came from a backup which Central made a few months ago. I can also try uninstalling everything and reinstall by a fresh download if you think it'd help.

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Still no luck. I re-downloaded and reinstalled oLC NA, SA and Libraries. It only manifests when oLC NA is installed and particularly when oLC NA1active. When I deactivate NA1 i n the P3d scenery library, it disappears.

If no one else seems to have this same issue it may be my particular system/configuration and I guess my next step would be to completely remove everything, including P3d and start over from the beginning.

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UPDATE: Success!

I verified Global (again) and somehow it decided to download about 1.18GB of data. When completed, I fired up the sim and all was fixed. Thanks for the help.


I believe this may have stemmed from my initial install from an old backup as my last verification of Global was done when I still had the old Global backup in the backup folder. My last verification was done with the old backup deleted.

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