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Fl.1 Citation Mustang

John York

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I've just got this and I know some of you fellers have it, so I have questions.  I must say it handles beautifully manually but there are times when the autopilot becomes necessary, long flights for example.

However, I've got a problem with the altitude and VS controls which despite studying the two pages devoted to it in the manual I can't find how to get to work.

Bear in mind I've got AP activated and its obeying the bearing bug perfectly.

But the specific problem is that despite setting the altitude in the altitude box, when I click the box for 'altitude' on the 'plane will only stay at the about 1700'

Another problem is that in trying to set the 'VS' I can't actually see where the figure is shown.

A further  problem that'll probably arise sometime is at present I can't find the radio stack and will be unable to set the frequencies for IFR and more specifically for ILS landings.

Guidance is required please.


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Okay, it's been ages since I flew this plane, but I'll try to answer by looking at the manual while writing.

First the "VS" is in the middle of the PDF (that's the left one)It's just above the "Slip/skid Indicator" See page 21 of the manual. Now to change this speed refer to page 49. Press the VS button and use the rotating knob "11" to change the speed. The number mentioned before will tell you your Vertical speed.


You can set the Com 1 and Nav 1 frequencies straight from the PDF See page 22. The Nav frequency can be changed using the click spots of rotary knob 2 this will put the frequency in the "stand by" window the one with the cyan frame around it. Then use button 1 to flip it to the active. The com radio is the same but on the right side of the PDF, rotary knob 4 and button 3.

Hope this gets you started.

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Thanks Tony

As I said, I can find the VS and operate it and hear the clicking sound.  What I can't see is the number.

Got the NAV frequencies sorted now but still can't see the central pointer split.

I expect it will all come in time.

Thganks for your help.


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Hi John,

There are some excellent tutorials on the Flight1 Forum site (http://mustang.flight1.net/forums/default.asp) . Register as a member and take a look at them. There are some differences with managing the autopilot to other aircraft so it's worth a look.

It's my favourite jet and I enjoy going for flights all around Oz with FTX scenery "NATURALLY".

Regards, Paul

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Thanks Paul and Frank

Yes, I've been a reluctant member of Fl.1 for years (products good but system lousy!) and will take a look.

Unfortunately, I've always been one of those who has to do it to learn it.  Reading the way to do something on the forum and by the time I've loaded the flight half of what I've read has gone out of the window!  Yes, I know...take notes but you think you can remember don't you? :-[

I must say though that the only thing so far that's bugging me still is finding the actual VS number.  I simply can't see it.  I hear the click but nothing seems to move.  I've looked where I think I've been kindly told to look by Tony and still can't bloody well find it!  I suppose it's impossible for someone to do me a little screenshot with an arrow pointing to it?

I really like flying it manually, but when you want to look at the scenery, the auto pilot is so very useful apart from the long flights.

I'll get the hang of it eventually.


PS-I've just found it!  Been looking at it all the time.  I can be such a fool.  The VS was so similar to the altitude I've been practice flying at (1500' in English Photo Sceney) that I was confusing it with the bloody altitude itself! :-[

I've now printed some relevent pages of the Pilots Guide and that should help a lot but expect more questions later!! ;D


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Hi John,

The tutorials do a better job of it but setting vertical speed goes something like this.

With an Altitude set on the AP ...

1. At around 1,000' above the ground, lower the nose to around 8 degrees (don't forget to trim).

2. Press the AP Master button - it uses basic modes of pitch according to when you selected it. Also keeps wings level.

3. We must change this as over time the pitch can't be sustained.

4. Change the throttle to Climb detent (one notch off FULL).

5. Press the VS button on the AP.

6. Put your mouse cursor over the vertical speed WHEEL on the AP and right-click over the (+) symbol, adjust this until you have 2,000 fpm displayed on PDF (annumciator section, top middle).

7. This vertical speed will allow you to accelerate.

8. At 170-180kts, press the FLC button on the AP.

The aircraft will now fly to the preselected altitude.

The process is similar for setting up a descent.

Regards, Paul

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, so I'm still having a bit of trouble but at least I've learned 'how' to set it up.  The manual doesn't really help with that but Paul did it admirably.  Although it's difficult doing all that while still flying the damn thing. My left hand mouse work leaves something to be desired! ;D  However, the difficulty I'm now finding is how to change the altitude in mid-flight.

I can change the heading fine, but the altitude is a real pig so far.

Does anyone know the secret of getting the VS wheel to work during the flight as it appears that this is the thing to use rather than the altitude knob.

Or, have I, as usual, got it all muddled up again?

Incidentally, I've got the Epic Victory AP, which is quite similar to the Mustang one,  sussed at last but I still can't seem to get the hang of this.


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Push the VS button on the glareshield and then rotate the knob to set the desired vertical speed (you see the value set on the PFD).

After 10.000' I prefer to climb using FLCH mode and setting the desired speed (I use 170/180 kts depending on the cruise level to reach). The same as above applies here: push FLCH button and use the knob to set the speed.

Keep in mind that the Mustang isn't made for low levels. She wants to fly high.

About the radios, you set them on the PFD. Use the knobs on the left side to change the frequencies, then press the button to swap the new freq as active (remember, you always change the standby frequency).

Hope this helps.

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Hi Rosario

There's no button or wheel on the 'glareshield'.  I'm sure you mean the instrument panel?  I've tried that.  Believe me, ;D I've pulled and pushed every damn button on the 'plane to get it to change altitude in mid height!  Sometimes, with quite unnerving results! ;D

Joking aside, I think it's the order or sequence of doing it or something like that I think I'm getting wrong.  I'll probably get it eventually.

Thanks for trying to help.


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Changing altitude in flight is fairly easy. First thing you do is change the preselected altitude. After that just repeat the last steps of Paul's instructions above:

Press the VS button on the AP.

Put your mouse cursor over the vertical speed WHEEL on the AP and right-click over the (+) symbol, adjust this until you have 2,000 fpm displayed on PDF (annumciator section, top middle).

At 170-180kts, press the FLC button on the AP.

If you are climbing from let's say 24,000 to 30,000 ft it's wise not to set a VS of 2000FPM, that may be a little to much :)

Oh, and if you want to descend you ofcourse select a negative VS ;D

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Thanks Bert

Yes, I seem to have fathomed it at last.  Just finished a flight from Bristol Filton to the north, climbing to 2,500' levelled out and then up to 4,500' kept speed around 240 knots then around Birmingham and back again decreasing height to 2,500' the best capture height for an ILS approach to Bristol Intl, cancelled the ILS at 500' and landed sweet as a nut at 85 knots.

That was a really good exercise for me.  Next time I'll try an IFR  flight.  That'll sort me out if I haven't quite got the hang of it! ;D

Anyway, it looks now as if I've got both the Mustang and the Epic Victory taped.  If I can get the Pilatus under my belt, with the Quest Kodiak which I can handle quite nicely, that'll be the four new 'planes I 'll be able to have fun with for a long time to come.

Thanks for all your help guys.  I'll be back flying in Australia before very long but I really must try to get to see some more of PNW.  The problem I'm suffering from there is I don't know the geography of the area that well and with only a world atlas to guide me (I can't seem to plan flights for some reason using the PNW Google) it's taking me a bit of time to find my way about.

'Truth is, I never know where I'll be next!  Good, ain't it! ;D


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