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KPSP elevation issue with

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With So-Cal scenery installed, KPSP is sunk into the ground. I have Global Base, Vector, and openLC NA. This happens regardless of:

- whether or not I enabled freemeshX

- regardless of AEC settings in Vector, of even whether or not Vector scenery is enabled



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Yes, Its the latest update 4.5H2, I did Client and Content, but not scenery. Do i need to update the scenery also for P3D? im sure that has something to do with it since i have not had the issue before. If i remove So. Cal its ok, but with So. Cal, KPSP is a valley.

Thanks for the quick response.



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12 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


there has been a method used in the development of this airport that has been broken by

changes made to P3D v4.5.13.32097.

I attach a file and ask you to put it into ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery


then revisit and it should look like this:



KPSP_ADEP4_NC.bgl 31.55 kB · 2 downloads



For the most part, That file has corrected the elevation issue. but, The runway lighting is is floating at about traffic pattern altitude.



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8 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

The last time I looked, KPSP had to be disabled in Vector AEC corrections.  Do you have Vector?



Yes, I have vector, Yes, I did try that, The effect was the same.  I have tried the above post also and the the runway lighting is still up in the air. The airport itself is fine, but taxi lights and Papi's are skyward.





I made a mistake Nick,  I did not "Un-do" the first fix, which i did and then applied the "alternative" fix and that corrected KPSP. Thank you for your time Nick, I appreciate it.





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