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A Question About - EGPH


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Okay, I just took a look at google earth and I see airport light towers and aircraft ramp markings at that end of the strip. So you are saying its a car park now.

Is there a reason why runway approach, edge, centre and papi lights are visible in the evening and nights hours?


E1000 - 2019-10-27 11.13.50.jpg

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4 hours ago, Sentry11 said:

Okay, I just took a look at google earth and I see airport light towers and aircraft ramp markings at that end of the strip.



I had thought that this post would not be necessary. Apologies.


Google Earth can show you images from the past, 2016 in the case of what you are showing.

It is always as well to look for the most recent, you can do this by clicking on the icon I have outlined in red and making sure that the slider in the bax

below it that I have highlighted in yellow is as far to the right as it can be.


You will see the actual date of the imagery in the box at the bottom right that I have also highlighted in yellow.




Apart from that, the advice from Dr_Watson is your next port of call, or a review of the ordering in your scenery_packs.ini file perhaps.

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3 hours ago, Dr_Watson said:

Something wrong with your install!  Are you sure you have every other copy of EGPH (UK2000) removed from your custom scenery directory?


Mines looks like this






Thank you, "Dr_Watson", you are correct....I hand another third party version of EGPH installed. Everything at EGPH looks okay now.

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