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Central XP11 not picking up products


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To clarify things first. I recently had to completely re-install my OS (Windows 10) due to a drive failure. This has always sat on a drive of its own (C). My XP11 set up was as follows:-


X: Xplane 11 (Steam Version)

W: Custom Scenery (This had all True Earth Products connected by symbolic link)

U: Other scenery an libraries connected by shortcuts


I was hoping that I would be able to fire up XP11 however that didn't work so I had to re-install that along with orbx central. I also had to recreate my symbolic link.


All fires up however none of my Orbx stuff is there and when I look at central its asking me to install everything which I don't understand as the files are all still on the W drive??


Any ideas out there I can't understand why its not working, but there again after spending a week trying to fathom out what was causing my pc to go slow (corrupt hard drive) then having to re-install stuff my brain has turned to mush :huh:





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Could well be that Central has lost track of the instal location due to reinstallation of Central. I also assume you symbolic linked each file/folder of the Orbx addons and not just the "heading folder" by that i mean for example True Earth Oregon instead of  the files within the Custom Scenery that Central creates when you install outside of the XP directory.

This is what i mean:



I also suggest you check your Users/name/AppData/local x-plane_install.txt file which is right at the bottom of the AppData/Local folder that there is only the correct XP installation entry listed.

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Nick,I re-downloaded Orbx Central. That was what I was using prior to the problems


John, previously I only did the Symbolic Link with the heading folder i.e  X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery to  W:\Custom Scenery and that worked, effectively I double click the custom scenery folder in xplane and it opens the custom scenery on the W drive.

Talk about confused :D 


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Well Xplane is now seeing all the Orbx stuff, however Orbx Central isn't?? I noticed however that EGLC wasn't installed so I installed it and it went to my W drive where the custom scenery is. When I tried to load it, XP11 got to "finishing asynchronous loading" seized up and CTD?? all the other airfields are Okay which is strange. I have uninstalled Central because my logic says if Xplane can now see everything a re-installed Central should too. Albeit that won't sort the problem above out, a bit more digging I suspect


Any thoughts

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Update on the situation. After a re-install of Central, it now picks up all of my products. With regards to the other issue, when I re-installed my OS I reduced the paging file, at the same time I unchecked the "let windows manage on all drives" hence the problem.. Just as a matter of interest, I have got 32gb RAM and RTX 2070 Black (8gb), isn't that enough to cope??:huh:

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Its strange Jon, everything is now working but that's only because I went back to having the system managing my pagefile. Biggest issues were EGLC and EGNX which I suppose with all the new textures is understandable. I'm now going to have a go at OC the RTX 2070 a little.




I've been put back to a newbie as well :lol:

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