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England South issue - stopping X-Plane opening


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I just bought the England South for X-Plane 11. It is my first attempt at buying an add-on for X-Plane. Despite numerous attempts to verify or upload using Orbx Central, I now keep getting the attached  error message ("...error could not locate image file for terrain, etc...…") when I now try to open X-Plane. I saw various forum posts about going into this folder or that folder but I really really have no clue where to even look to find the folder, let alone what folder or what to then do.


Any help would be very much appreciated



error message.jpg

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Hi and welcome to Orbx and it's forums.

Your installation problem is typical of an incomplete conversion process having taken place, For your info, TEGB is compressed and the Orthoimagery is downloaded as jpgs. These jpgs need to be converted to dds format images. All this is done by Orbx Central. You will find the prescribed solution to your problem at the bottom of this link:


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Please detail the process you used. To expand what needs to be done i will guide you through it and you can confirm that you did exactly the same.

1.Open Orbx Central

2. Click on left side of page Europe

3. Click on TEGB South.

4. A new page appears on the right hand side and is the details of TEGB South.

5. Scroll down until you see the blue Installed notice and just below it is Options

6. Click on Verity Files.

I am assuming you did all that in that order and the result is the same as before, with the same error message?

What is your OS (operating system) Windows 10 or Mac/Linux?

What space do you have on the Disk you have downloaded TEGB South to and the space on the Disk you are installing TEGB South to? You will need at least 150GB because TEGB South will have to extract 127GB of data on the download drive and install 127GB of data to the installation drive.

Please confirm Disk space availability. The problem is related to the jpg to dds conversion so we need to find the cause of the conversion process being interrupted and failing to complete.


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As per below 2 x images you will see the blue click next to "Verify" to confirm I verified. I then still got the error message as also shown below. My PC uses Windows 10 Home and is 64x  i3-4160@3.60gHZ and 8 RAM and my C drive has 820Gb free and has used (including with Orbx installed) only 111Gb





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Hi Jon I mentioned in my above post that my C drive has 820Gb free and has used (including with Orbx installed) only 111Gb. Looking at "My PC" it only shows a C-drive and so I assume that is all I have and therefore where everything must be?



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The error message is normally associated with an incomplete "conversion" process converting jpg to dds imagery. If Verify Files has not worked I am getting stuck on what the problem maybe.

Attach your XP log.txt which is in your XP directory and also your scenery_packs.ini which is in your Custom Scenery folder.

The final potential resolution will be to uninstall completely TEGB South and redownload/install, but that is only a last resort.

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10 hours ago, Gaznel said:

Hi. I have looked at your log txt file and it only refers to failing to find a few Texture dds files. Verifying Files should have resulted in those "missing" files being installed and converted. I would like you to check if they exist in your TEGB South Orthos/Texture folder. Open up the  Orthos/texture folder and in the Search box enter, one at a time by Copy/Paste the following:




Wait until the search for each one has completed and advise if the result finds the file or says No such item.

If you don't have them then I think an uninstall and reinstall will be required.

I attach a pic of the process to follow as I don't know how savvy you are with Searches etc. 








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The files were there without the .dds ending but not with the .dds ending.


I have uninstalled x-plane and orbx and am now reloading them. When I started on x-plane it gave me the option of the whole world and i changed this (as I did last time) to Europe only


I will let you know either way if it then works

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5 hours ago, Gaznel said:

The files were there without the .dds ending but not with the .dds ending.


I have uninstalled x-plane and orbx and am now reloading them. When I started on x-plane it gave me the option of the whole world and i changed this (as I did last time) to Europe only


I will let you know either way if it then works

OK sounds good however you can always add more parts of the world later via the Add/Remove Scenery option via the XP Installer. I have seen some scenery not working on occasions when there is insufficient world coverage of Global Scenery. The limited scenery option you have chosen would not be affecting your original problem though as that is caused by missing.non converted files which should have been picked up during the Verify Files action.

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I have totally wiped the computer I am using for x-Plane and will now reinstall both X-plane and Orbx to start afresh. Before I do, I noticed some reference to some software re Visual 2013 C++. I have no idea what it is about or for. Do I need this for either programme?


Also there seems lots of versions and lots of years for this. If it is needed can you confirm a reliable link to what I need to download



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