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HDG/NAV Direction Anomalies at P3D Orbx Airports?

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I have been having a problem lately (I am fully up to date with P3D4.5HF2 and Orbx 4.1) with both HDG and NAV settings at several Orbx airports. At time of writing this is KTEX, KSAN, and KSBA. The issue is that when I select AP and either HDG or NAV the flight direction is NOT in the direction of either the HDG bug or the magenta line. Instead, it is about 90 degrees offset to the west, i.e., a heading of 0 will have the plane fly direction 270. 


When I disable the airport using Scenery configuration the problem goes away. 


If I re-enable the airport the problem again comes up, but now instead of going West i am going East. I hesitate to go through the necessary compass cycles to get back to true heading. 


Seen this before?



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9 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I am not sure if I have understood correctly but both simulators have a "heading Indicator (reset)" command built in.

Is that relevant?

Hi Nick, 


Not sure I understand what the "heading indicator (reset)" command is. I will dig around and try to find it. 


The issue is basically when I fly from a bone-stock P3D airport (KTEX is butt-ugly without the Orbx enhancements!) both HDG and NAV settings are correct. When I enable the enhancements HDG and NAV are incorrect.


Thanks for getting back to me!


John Howell

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5 hours ago, Smudger said:


the Magenta line indicates a GPS route, you need to cycle the CDI button for the solid Green line to follow a NAV route.

Hi Smudger. I am not sure you understand what I attempted to say.


When I enable autopilot there are two choices I typically use: HDG to follow the heading bug, and NAV to enable GPS navigation, ergo "follow the magenta line" that has been set in the CDI. Neither of which sets the correct course when enabled from an Orbx-enhanced airport. 


And I have never learned to use VOR or other navigation settings since GPS is so straightforward. And I am lazy...   




John Howell

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2 hours ago, Howellerman said:

And I am lazy...

Hello John, you and me both. :rollmyeyes:

I do not know which aircraft you are using, but my default is the Beech Baron G1000 and what I have found is that it is necessary to cycle the CDI key through the GPS - Magenta and the 2 Navs - Solid and dotted back to the GPS for it to lock on and obey the Autopilot once over 500 AGL. This I do prior to take off.

I have not had any problems like you describe, that I can attribute to any airports, only aircraft. Check if there is a NAV / GPS switch that needs to be set separately.

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4 hours ago, Smudger said:

Hello John, you and me both. :rollmyeyes:

I do not know which aircraft you are using, but my default is the Beech Baron G1000 and what I have found is that it is necessary to cycle the CDI key through the GPS - Magenta and the 2 Navs - Solid and dotted back to the GPS for it to lock on and obey the Autopilot once over 500 AGL. This I do prior to take off.

I have not had any problems like you describe, that I can attribute to any airports, only aircraft. Check if there is a NAV / GPS switch that needs to be set separately.

Heya Smudger, 

I will check into the rotate the CDI once around the dial. I "used" to do that, but found no benefit so stopped. Perhaps prematurely!


Will let you know!




PS: I am flying the Carenado TBM. Testing it out for a potential RTW flight with friends and family. I too have the Carenado Baron, and with the turbo mods from HawkDSL (over at AVSIM) and Ron Attwoods N8UR paint it is my favorite plane to fly. Just a little too slow for RTW (even though I can pull 180 kts IAS fully loaded), and non-pressurized.

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Okay, I have tried a couple of new things, all to no avail. The ONLY thing that makes HDG/NAV functions work correctly is DISABLING the Orbx airport.


For Smudger: the CDI rotate did not change anything.


Tests that I ran:

Reload GPS flight plan after startup - no change.

Uninstall KTEX using Orbx Central. Run P3D to rebuild DB. Reboot and reinstall KTEX. Rebuild DB. No change.


The only thing I did not do was reload any P3D stuff, Client or otherwise.


The basic facts remain:

If I start a flight at KTEX (just using one of my examples) the HDG and NAV(GPS) are incorrect - the flight does NOT follow the indicated HDG/NAV directions.

If I uncheck KTEX and use the default airport the HDG and NAV/(GPS) setting work correctly.


This is driving me nuts, and I am concerned that because I own almost all Orbx airports this situation will cross-pollinate to everything. Sigh. I guess I will try KEGE next. Or maybe KBZN. Or KJAC. Or ... the list is large.


Going to take a break - this is driving me boog-fook....


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13 hours ago, Howellerman said:

the flight does NOT follow the indicated HDG/NAV directions

Hello John,

I am unable to replicate your problem, I have the Wilcopub Socatta TBM850 and ran a test at KTEX, in FSX and P3Dv4.

Setup a GPS route KTEX T/O rwy27 – ETL VOR – 0CO6 airport – KGUC airport ILS rwy06

GPS to ETL VOR, heading mode to 0CO6, cycle CDI to GPS, once on route, set NAV course and cycle to NAV, enter ILS frequency in radio, at 20nm out set Approach.

Aircraft took itself down glideslope to land successfully.

The PDF does show the GPS route direction correctly from KTEX to the ETL VOR.



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On 10/12/2019 at 2:00 AM, Nick Cooper said:


I am not sure if I have understood correctly but both simulators have a "heading Indicator (reset)" command built in.

Is that relevant?

Hello Nick, 


As you can see with my conversation with Smudger that my problem remains unresolved.


To re-iterate, when I take-off from an Orbx airport the aircraft does not fly in the requested direction. If I uncheck the airport and re-fly the route it works normally. 


About the only thing that hints of "when" this may have happened is when I moved to Orbx Central 4.0 (I am currently up to date).


Is there a common place where heading information is stored in either Orbx files or P3D? If I can perhaps reload/reset that information it may fix the issue? 




John Howell

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Well, wonder of wonders (keeping fingers crossed) a member on the AVSIM forum suggested the "D" key to reset the heading indicators and everything now works as it should.


I am going to try another aircraft and Orbx airport for confirmation and will post back here, hopefully with success.


Thanks for the help, Smudger!

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On 10/12/2019 at 2:00 AM, Nick Cooper said:


I am not sure if I have understood correctly but both simulators have a "heading Indicator (reset)" command built in.

Is that relevant?

Hi Nick, 


Just FYI. I was unaware of the "D" key and its ability to "reset heading indicators" as you suggested. After trying it nothing visually changed but the aircraft now follows the indicators correctly. 


How do I mark a problem as RESOLVED?



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