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LOWI stuttering on touch down rwy 26

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(ORBX LOWI)Seconds after landing on RWY 26 the sim begins to stutter massively and CPU load is going crazy! When repeating the "10 miles from RWY" landing without exiting the sim, no stutters at all. I have disabled static aircrafts with no results.Another thing is, that when I start my flight from LOWI there are no stutters.

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Stutters like this are often the result of far off scenery loading when the draw distance is reached.  You could try playing with the LOD and autogen distance sliders butchances are it's actually another airport which wants to load lots of files in one hit.  Maybe it's an add-on that's not ORBX?

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21 hours ago, Kostas Chatzi said:

(ORBX LOWI)Seconds after landing on RWY 26 the sim begins to stutter massively and CPU load is going crazy! When repeating the "10 miles from RWY" landing without exiting the sim, no stutters at all. I have disabled static aircrafts with no results.Another thing is, that when I start my flight from LOWI there are no stutters.

It could be a conflict of addons going on causing issues with loading scenery.

Attach your scenery_packs.ini for review and I can see if I can spot any potential conflict,

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I have rearranged your scenerypacks.ini. I don't see any conflict addons so cannot comment as to why you get stutters. You could experiment with your XP settings. there are 3 heavy demand settings that you could try reducing.

1. Reflections to off/ min.

2. Texture Quality set to High

3. AA set to FTXX+SSAA

The above setting lower the demands of your Graphics card in particular. Just test and see if there is any improvement.


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Unfortunately this did not help. I also DISABLED ortho tile 47 011 from ortho tiles, as ORBX has this tile as part of LOWI scenery(orbx ortho is ENABLED). This issue appears only within some small distance on the runway, so I don`t think there is a problem with my x-plane settings. I have very smooth experience when flying orbx true earth uk.

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The first thing I notice in your Log file is that you have not kept the scenery_packs.ini I sent you.

I cannot tell from the Log if there are any conflicts. I can only suggest you try a flight with all your plugins disabled to see if they are causing stutters.

I can safely say though that I don't think the cause of stutters at a particular point in LOWI is Orbx related. I have done several test flights on your behalf, landing on R26 and see no stutters at all. I have more potentially conflicting addons in that area than you do. For example I have X-Europe, Live Traffic, and SFD Global all covering that region and can find no conflict to cause me any stutters. I do not have any Fly with Lua scripts enabled.

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I deleted your Log file, because it caused even more stutters. Please don`t be angry. I tried EVERYTHING. Without xvision,without lua scrips and so on.I uninstalled LOWI and installed it again. I am now installing a second copy of x-plane. I have two suspects. 1. I installed x-europe 3 and then uninstalled it, because it was too heavy on my system. It could be that uninstalling x-eurpe, it somehow broke my sim(?). The second suspects are my surrounding ortho tiles (zoom17). Maybe when landing on rwy 26, is the time, when the sim loads a surrounding ortho tile. I will try on this second xplane  and inform you. Just have to mention that this issue occurs even on default LOWI. So I do not blame ORBX, just looking for a solution. I have A LOT OF YOUR PRODUCTS with excellent and very smooth results.

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1 hour ago, Kostas Chatzi said:

I deleted your Log file, because it caused even more stutters. Please don`t be angry. I tried EVERYTHING. Without xvision,without lua scrips and so on.I uninstalled LOWI and installed it again. I am now installing a second copy of x-plane. I have two suspects. 1. I installed x-europe 3 and then uninstalled it, because it was too heavy on my system. It could be that uninstalling x-eurpe, it somehow broke my sim(?). The second suspects are my surrounding ortho tiles (zoom17). Maybe when landing on rwy 26, is the time, when the sim loads a surrounding ortho tile. I will try on this second xplane  and inform you. Just have to mention that this issue occurs even on default LOWI. So I do not blame ORBX, just looking for a solution. I have A LOT OF YOUR PRODUCTS with excellent and very smooth results.

I assure you that the rearranged scenery_packs.ini would absolutely not cause any additional stutters. I can also say that the additional Ortho tiles you have, have no influence or assist in creating stutters in that area because the LOWI ortho files override the ortho4xp files due to their layering in the .ini.

 To save a lot of space with an additional install have a look at this post I made a while back. You could then just shortcut link LOWI into your new Custom Scenery along with Orbxlibs and see what happens. 

 I do hope you get the problem resolved.




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O.K. thank you. I installed a second copy of xplane just to check if default LOWI  causes all issues. Unfortunately this is true. Default LOWI  has a lot of problems. After finding that out, I deleted my second x-plane installation. BUT my issue with ORBX LOWI still remains, plus these wired power lines discussed elsewhere in the forum, which I also could not resolve.

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