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EGNX East Midlands Issues


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Hi, just purchased EGNX as an upgrade from another developer's older version (it's my local airport) and I am having numerous issues/gripes.


I have Global/Vector/England installed and downloaded/installed ORBX Central to install EGNX and also ran other updates.  Then ran auto-configuration for airport elevation corrections and applied settings once all updates and the EGNX install were completed.


The first 3 all seem to be vector covered over by the new scenery area for the airport - See ORBXEGNX1.JPG


There is a large section of the M1 motorway missing to the North of J24 all the way up to Long Eaton.

There is a large section of the A453 missing from J24 past Ratcliffe Power Station.

There is a section of the River Trent missing close to Ratcliffe Power Station.


There are black/flashing textures in the car park - See ORBXEGNX2.JPG


Many buildings have z-fighting on the windows in particular and the fences and some building textures are suffering from shimmering, the likes I have not seen since I upgraded to 4k and I certainly don't see at other ORBX airports.


I am not seeing any animation at this airport at all aside from the wind-turbines.  No people flow/object flow, despite the product page stating "Immersive rendition" and it being in the same price bracket as products with these immersive additions.


The only configuration option is to disable the static aircraft which look terrible anyway but are advertised as "Realistic static aircraft".


There is no wind sock that I can see.


Am I missing something or doing something wrong?


Any help would be appreciated.







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I have been doing some further searching here in the support forums and I see that a number of customers have posted about the various issues with the P3D version of this airport.


I have to say that I am really disappointed that so many issues are apparent and whilst I understand some of them could be fixed in future updates, I feel some things will not get fixed.


I would like to know how to go about getting a refund for this product for the following reasons:


Aside from the problems such as:


The terrible shimmering (in other posts concerning EGNX, the devs have been quoted as saying that the fences/buildings shimmering is something that we will have to accept as the textures will not look great if this is changed to prevent this, yet we don't experience this at other orbx airports).


Large, obvious gaps in roads and rivers.


Seasonal incompatibility when using Global/EU England.


Black and/or flashing textures.


Incorrect runway markings.


Dynamic lighting problems.


Missing wind socks.


Incorrect stand allocations.


Really poor static aircraft/trees.


As I say, even though the majority of the above could be patched (although the shimmering doesn't look like it will be and that in itself is a deal-breaker) this product is being sold at the same price point or more in comparison to other orbx airports that have additional immersive features such as PBR, people flow and object flow.


I have never been disappointed by any of my previous orbx purchases and I have many but even though I appreciate a lot of hard work has gone into this rendition of East Midlands, it is sadly sub-standard to what I am used to from orbx.




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I just did some testing of EGNX and I have managed to get the flickering and moire down to very acceptable levels, so low in fact that unless you do a low level run over the terminal past the control tower you shouldn't notice anything.  My monitor is 4K 3840 x 2160 so I don't know how it will display at other resolutions.  My video card is a 1080, so I can have high graphics settings with the scenery performance more dependent on CPU, and I'm getting 24 of 24 fps locked over most of this scenery.  Also, TE GB is the surrounding scenery.


First thing is to replace the fence texture with this one:




The set your FXAA to On, your AA to 8xSSAA, your Texture filtering to Anisotropic 16x, and finally set your Texture Resolution to 512 x 512.  This is a low figure I know and does have some effects across the landscape but doesn't seem to make much difference to the airport buildings.  You can also experiment with 1024 x 1024.


The parking lot problem wasn't picked up in testing because it's not visible at a normal inspection/circuit height, it's only visible from high above looking down.  I'm sure it will be looked at for a service pack.


The lack of windsocks is surprising, I suspect that the effort put into optimising the textures in the latter part of development meant that they were overlooked.  Once again an easy fox for a service pack.


All the other things you mention are up to the dev to look at.  I personally think peopleflow and more static aircraft are a must, especially considering thea irport is filled with statics in the XP11 version.


A released product with user complaints is rarely a static thing, so I'm sure your list will be taken on board and the devs will do what they can to address them.



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Hi John


Thanks for taking the time to reply and for your suggestions. 


I have an Acer Predator XB321HK monitor and am using G-SYNC with an Nvidia GTX 1070 card at 3840x2160.  It was my understanding that with G-SYNC, no AA is really necessary, although I do run with 2xMSAA set in the sim as I find that looks best and does help to reduce any slight shimmering that is sometimes present in certain aircraft VC's, particularly relating to the instruments/displays.


I have never used FXAA as I find that makes things look a little blurred for my liking and as for texture resolution, I have always run 4096x4096 in P3Dv4 with texture filtering of Anisotropic 16x and this gives me a level of performance and quality that I have been very happy with.  I settled on this configuration some time ago after trying various options to find the sweet spot, have never needed to change and really shouldn't have to compromise the look and performance of my sim just because of one airport.


I have tried your suggestions however and in my case, none of these make anything at this airport look any better aside from the replacement fence texture fixing the shimmering of the fences.  8xSSAA results in a severe drop in performance to a level that is not acceptable but despite that, even with AA at this setting, the majority of the textures on the airport buildings still suffer from really bad shimmering/barber shop pole type effect with movement.


I do understand that there will be issues on release and patches are necessary even after extensive beta testing (I am part of a beta team myself) and I do hope all these things get fixed and if they were, this would be a truly great, up to date rendition of East Midlands but as it stands, particularly without any signs of life aside from the wind turbines (which are never usually turning in reality but that's not a gripe) this is simply not worth the money, especially when compared to other orbx airports at the same price point.




Edit: Just to add this screen shot taken from above stand 10 looking to the West.  The shimmer patterns can clearly be seen on the old BMI hangar, neighbouring hangars and Departures.  As soon as any movement is made the pattern moves and shimmers and this appears on different buildings with different intensity depending on the time of day.  This is after John's replacement fence texture was installed so the fences are now fine.



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Hi Nick


No difference with dynamic reflections on low/med/high/ultra but I'm not really sure why there should be as the problem textures are not glass/reflective.  Having this setting on does not affect the windows that are z-fighting either, only changes the appearance of the terminal windows.  I have this set to off normally.



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