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No Transparent road textures after update


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Hello, I have many Orbx scenery for Xplane which I have purchased as in the list I have given. Up till now everything as been great until I purchased the EGNM Leeds- Bradford airport. I was told that I must updated the Orbx Cental to the latest edition 4 which I did which I think is a lot better than the old one. After I downloaded the EGNM airport it said ther was other updates for the other products I have so I let it do its thing. All seemed ok but the Great Britain CENTRAL was not showing the Transparent road textures like the others was which I have always used without problems. I went to the settings in the Control panel for this scenery and there was NO textures ticked unlike the other scenery so I ticked the TRANSPARENT button but it will not save which I tried many times. I did a flight over this region  and the roads look terrrible. Please could you help if you can. I have enclosed files.  

Orbx GB Central Road Tex settings.JPG

ORBX MY Products.JPG

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Dear all,

The 'verify' attempt did not work for me. Verifiying GB Central just resulted in another 1,69 GB complete update download, and no transparent roads.

Transparent roads are in my opinion a must-have.


My solution to the 'non-transparent road' problem after updating both GB Central and Manchester Barton is:

(1) delete the 'roads' and 'roads_x' and 'roads_t' folders from the GB Central and Manchester Barton overlay folders. If you only see 'roads' and 'roads_x' , just delete these.

(2) copy the  'roads' and 'roads_t' folders from an overlay folder of a scenery which has trusted transparent roads, in my case GB South,

(3) paste these 'roads' and 'roads_t' folders into both GB Central and Manchester Barton's overlay folders.


I believe that this solution was suggested by Nick a while ago, I just like to confirm that it works (for me at least).


Regards Werk


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