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Could not locate image file for terrain


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I installed Orbx Central last night, and set the library location on a different drive. It was my understanding that Orbx central would create the simlinks for me. I downloaded TE Oregon and Washington at the same time. Oregon finished, Washington is still downloading at the moment. Fired up X Plane and wanted to see how everything looked. Now I am getting this error message. What have I done wrong? Is there a calibration that needs to be done? Should I wait for Washington before I can access both?


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The error identifies specific files and is a common error with Ortho files. First action is to see if you can locate the files manually; I would bet that the files are indeed where they are supposed to be but are corrupt. I don't really know if this also relates to Ortho type files in Orbx products but If you google the X-Plane.Org forum https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/178626-ortho-error-could-not-locate-image-file-for-terrain/&tab=comments#comment-1650074  you will find a number of enquiries concerning errors of this type. I had these errors using Ortho4xp and the problem was corrupt files even though I had completed a number of flights in the relevant region previously without a problem. With all files s#$t just happens sometimes. My suggestion is to just download again to replace the corrupt files. Hope this helps.

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