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Missing Dams In Portugal / Open LC Europe

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Good morning.

I bought Globe onpen LC Europe in 2018-11-27. I Check in the Scenario of Portugal and are missing the dams of Montargil and Castelo de Bode. This is two dams with some extention and impossible to ignore; Just see Google Maps/Portugal to see clearly these two water extensions (DAMS)!!!
Your product announces  "Covering an area over 10 million sq. km ",  "creates a more varied and accurate terrain with FSX or P3D "!!!!???
Also bought FTX Global Base and FTX Global Vector!!!
My question is: for when the repair of the Globe Onpen LC Europe with the inclusion of these two dams! As shown in the UTX Europe V2????


Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...

Missing Dams In Portugal / FTX Vector Temporary fix.

After some investigation I got the dams to appear in the scenario
The problem is in the ORBX! VECTOR_EXX file. By moving the file in the hierarchy of the P3VV4 scenario, placing it below the file  "0501 base " The dams appear. It's not perfect but it's better as it can be seen in the image.
The problem appears to be in the ORBX! VECTOR_EXX that eliminates the dams!
I hope you helped and that the problem is definitely solved!


On 9/18/2019 at 12:30 PM, Nick Cooper said:


you will see that I have moved your topic to the Vector forum because the problem lies with Vector.

You will also see that there are a number of other similar reports pinned, in the hope that one day

they will be corrected.



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  • 7 months later...

Hello Tozi how do you move the Orbx! VECTOR_EXX in hierarchy, in my p3d it is blocked/fixed. It doesn't appear in the scenery.cfg file, and when I load p3d (v4) it doesn't allow me to move it.



I installed the Lorby Prepar3D Addon Organizer which enable to move that scenery. THanks I finally have those dams in my p3d... 3 years later! I wonder what Orbx support is doing...

Edited by petersanctus
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