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NA Central Rockies textures a mess


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Currently, my textures over NA Central Rockies look like this:



I have tried the following:


Turned off the Central Rockies in scenery.cfg...problem then goes away and looks like default P3D scenery

Tried uninstalling Central Rockies and re-installing it

Tried the Sync Simulator function in Orbx Central Help

Have verified files multiple times


I cannot figure out what is going on. None of my other regions look like this. I should add that the screenshot is vicinity of 35S in NA Central Rockies region.

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3 minutes ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


you didn't include a coordinate in your screenshot for us to double-check (Shift-Z) but I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong. What do you believe is incorrect with the textures?


Cheers, Holger

Hi @Holger Sandmann I know I missed the coordinates, but that is why I said it was very close to 35S, not far from Longview Ranch. I have had NA CRM for years and don't ever remember the textures looking this mixed up...it's like the tiles are not synced together or something like that. It really doesn't look off to you in that screenshot? To me it looks like all the puzzle pieces are there, but that someone shook the box up so to speak and now they are all jumbled.

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Okay @Holger Sandmann, lets consider this 'Solved'...I just opened up Google Earth and zoomed way into the location I am concerned about, and it looks pretty much just like the NA CRM scenery....so, no issue after all. I would never have believed the real view of that area would look so swirly and jumbled, but it does. Sorry to bother you with this. Please mark as Solved.

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