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Missing runway Fall City


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Hi I have Fall City and was trying to install in FSX. Everything comes up including people buildings, etc but no paved runway. There is a strip of grass but no runway. Can you help. I installed the latest library etc.


Thank you!

Mike Gruesen


Transaction ID: 5830e0146f400

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First please apply the below basics. Also ensure your mesh resolution is set at 5m.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)
Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.
Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".


Then run the "Force Migration" option in FTXC3 settings.

Then, if you have Vector installed, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, and check the Australia Add-Ons under the “Settings” tab, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.



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the problem is that objectflow is not working.


Here is the airport without objectflow and as you are seeing it.




and here it is with objectflow working, as the developer intended you to see it.




Please start by going to ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery where you will find ModuleInstaller.exe

Run that as an administrator and select "Install Flight Simulator module(s)"

It will report that the module objectflow was added to the dll.xml.

Restart FSX and see if you then have the runway, windsock and other objectflow items that are presently missing.



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can you please attach a copy of C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml

and ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery\OF_Config.xml.


Also an image of the first four items in the list of items in your

ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery, arranged by name and ascending.

It should look like this:




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I found the dll.xml file you asked for and attached it. However the OF_ Config.xml file is not there. I looked twice. Maybe the problem?

Also here is the the snapshot you wanted of the first four items in the FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery file you wanted..




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I am scraping the barrel for ideas now.

Can you open fsx.cfg and delete the contents of the [Trusted] section.

When you restart FSX you will then be asked numerous times to allow

various dlls and gauges to run, including objectflow.

Please click yes to everything.

I realise that this might take a while if you have a very large number of addons.

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Hi Nick - couple things....


First, when I deleted everything in the [Trusted] section and restarted FSX, I wasn't asked to allow objectflow to run. How do I get FSX to ask me to allow objectflow to run? When I chose for instances A2A's PiperCub, I was asked to allow its dll to run. But again when I chose an any Orbx airport I wasn't asked anything about objectflow. Funny though when I went to Orbx KORS I could see objectflow working I think, ie killer whales breaching at the end of the runway, etc. leading to my second thing... how do I know objectflow is working at a airport like KORS? Will the windsock be moving, whales breaching, grass moving? And if indeed this is how objectflow represents itself, then why would it work at KORS, KEGE,  1S2 which I think it is and not 1WA6? I have all these airports and 1WA6 is the only one I think that isn't working for me...


Thanks Nick!

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you can tell that objectflow is not working because you have no runway, no windsock and numerous other things missing from 1WA6.




Here is the airport without objectflow and as you are seeing it.




and here it is with objectflow working, as the developer intended you to see it.







Moving items does not necessarily mean that objectflow is working, KORS for example has no objectflow components at all

and the whales are generated in a different way.

KEGE on the other hand has quite a few. A windsock at a payware airports is generally but not inevitably a sign that objectflow

is at work.

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To return to my earlier request, if the entry for objectflow is deleted from the [Trusted] section

of the fsx.cfg file and FSX is restarted, if objectflow is installed and working, you will see this:




You should then click on Run and you will see this:

For G: read C: on your system.



You should then click on Yes and this line will be added to your fsx.cfg file.





If this does not happen, objectflow is not present.






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Completely understand. Thank you for your continued help. I agree that objectflow is not running on my system. So the trick is to get it working...

I deleted that line out of my [Trusted] section of my fsx.cfg file so it looks like the following...



But when I restart FSX it does not ask me if I want to allow it to run. So at this how can I force FSX to ask me to allow objectflow to run?

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None at all, I'm afraid.


If it helps, though I think we have already double checked all of this, you need to have:







but this is created by objectflow


In the airport folder you must have the

XXX_xxxx_Xxxx_ICAO_ObjectFlow.xml files.


In  C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml you must have




which is created when you run Moduleinstaller.exe


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Ok thanks Doug.


So I reconfirmed all of this asked by Nick above:







but this is created by objectflow


In the airport folder you must have the

XXX_xxxx_Xxxx_ICAO_ObjectFlow.xml files.


In  C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml you must have




which is created when you run Moduleinstaller.exe


The exception is that I don't have the OF_Config.xml file. But I'm assuming that's because Objectflow isn't runnimg on my system. If you sent me that file and I put it in would that trigger Objectflow to run? If not what would be the next move? Can you send me some kind of Object flow .exe file that will reinstall objectflow on my system? I noticed in the scripts folder within the orbx folder there is a .exe file called objectflow updater. I tried clicking on it but ultimately if said it couldn't download the meta file or something...is that a way to force a reload of objectflow? How much of orbx things would I have to delete in order to start over again to eventually have objectflow to reload and ask me to trust it?




There must be a way to get object flow working or am I looking at a complete FSX reload :(

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30 minutes ago, gruesen said:

The exception is that I don't have the OF_Config.xml file. But I'm assuming that's because Objectflow isn't runnimg on my system


This file only gets created when you install a product with Orbx Central/FTXC3, or if you do a "Verify Files" of the product.

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1 hour ago, gruesen said:

I have installed a product with Orbx Central. I also have done a "verify files" of the library..


You will need to install 1WA6 which is Fall City airport, not "a product", and you will need to "verify files" of 1WA6, not "of the library"

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Hi Doug,


Thank you for your continued help. I said product because you said the word product (twice) in your response above. Installing 1WA6 has been done and verified already. Many times. This was my original post in fact because I had installed it and uninstalled it several times and the runway was missing. But to make sure I just did it again.




I still have this...




Nick has figured out through thoughtful investigation that my objectflow is not working. So you know I am 53 year old guy who has been flight simming since FS on an Amiga computer over 25 years ago. I say this because my request for help is both genuine and thoughtful. I would really like to get Objectflow working on my system without having to reload all of FSX.


This is a relatively new computer for me with very few other addons to FSX on it. It is a very clean copy of FSX with the appropriate patches. 


Again, reviewing all the above I ask respectfully... what is the next step? Please don't hesitate continuing to help me...though I don't have all the order numbers listed in my signature, I have been a HUGE supporter of Orbx and own all the global and several of the airport and reginal products you have made please reference my email in your system gruesen@yahoo.com. The work you guys do is fantastic. Your products (when working correctly) are amazing and make all the difference. So to that end, I would like to get Object flow working. What is the next step?

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did you try Doug's replacement files?

If so, could you have anti-virus software that is interfering?


Another very slight chance might be another addon interfering.

You might try renaming

C:\Users\your mane\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml.

Then run FSX to create a new one.

Close FSX.

Run the moduleinstaller.

Check that dll.xml has had the objectflow entry added.

Delete the objectflow line in fsx.cfg.

Restart FSX and see what happens.

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yes you do.

You should ideally add each one back into the dll.xml file until it breaks objectflow again.

Once you have identified the culprit, you can decide what to do with it.


I would put a copy of your original back, check that objectflow is broken again and then

remove entries one at a time.

I would think that deleting the objectflow line from the [Trusted] section would be quickest.


Start at the bottom.

Each entry is contained within these lines.



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