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TE Oregon SD - Orchards Everywhere


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Have noticed that in certain  locations there appears to be an overlay of what look like orchard trees that overlay all but the 3d objects in the scene...fields, parking lots, some buildings etc... The trees are set out in rows and have set boundaries that don't match the local scene (ie they were created to fit a different area).


This can be seen in the area east of the Eugene, OR (KEUG) air port and covers the town of Coburg a little further east. I tried visiting the Spruce Goose at KMMV and was pleased to see the museum that houses the Spruce Goose is nicely modelled! However, the adjacent town also has the orchard infestation. Now curious, I moved on to TE Washington and found some of the same problem. Sometimes individual trees sprinkled on what looked like arable fields and sometimes the same orchard pattern.


So the question is....is this a glitch in the TE scenery or something else local to my setup causing the issue? So far as I know, I don't have any other addon scenery for the areas in question.


Could someone check out the areas I have described to see if you are getting the same result or whether the issue is mine alone?



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7 hours ago, wilco11 said:

Have noticed that in certain  locations there appears to be an overlay of what look like orchard trees that overlay all but the 3d objects in the scene...fields, parking lots, some buildings etc... The trees are set out in rows and have set boundaries that don't match the local scene (ie they were created to fit a different area).


This can be seen in the area east of the Eugene, OR (KEUG) air port and covers the town of Coburg a little further east. I tried visiting the Spruce Goose at KMMV and was pleased to see the museum that houses the Spruce Goose is nicely modelled! However, the adjacent town also has the orchard infestation. Now curious, I moved on to TE Washington and found some of the same problem. Sometimes individual trees sprinkled on what looked like arable fields and sometimes the same orchard pattern.


So the question is....is this a glitch in the TE scenery or something else local to my setup causing the issue? So far as I know, I don't have any other addon scenery for the areas in question.


Could someone check out the areas I have described to see if you are getting the same result or whether the issue is mine alone?




In order to see exactly what you are seeing please attach a couple of pics which also show the coordinates of your example shots. TE Oregon has millions of hand placed trees and to receive a report of trees/orchards on buildings and parking lots, smacks of a typical Ortho4xp overlay rather than an Orbx one.

Please also attach a copy of your scenery_packs.ini for review.

I attach a pic of what I see at Coburg (directly in front of the Cessna) Maybe I don't see what you see, or my pic is showing exactly what you are referring to? Please comment.



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Jon, thanks for the reply. I don't think we are seeing the same thing.


I will get some pics as soon as I can and get back to you. I suspect I've picked up a "tree virus" somewhere along the way. I don't use Ortho4xp (that's what I have you guys for) and other than airports, yours is the only add-on scenery that I use.




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Here are some pics of what I'm seeing and my .ini file. I expect this might be a leftover from some long forgotten scenery...but I dunno.

Appreciate your support.





PS. Feel free to comment on any other oddities you may notice in the .ini file....I'm guessing there are a few :-).

E415-Caddy - 2019-08-30 7.41.01 PM.png

E415-Caddy - 2019-08-30 7.38.52 PM.png


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@wilco11  Hi Tom. I have checked your .ini and I will be revising it to layer it as i would have it layered if that's OK with you?

Regarding trees: Just try disabling the file you have called zzz_Treelines_Farms_North_America_v2/. The trees/farms/orchards etc look very like what that file introduces an it's designed for use mainly with Default XP scenery but with some photoscenery like Ortho4xp. Since a huge amount of time has been spent by the TE devs in hand placing millions of trees based on the latest data, it would be superfluous to add more trees based on old data that may be OK in Orthto4xp overlays  but not in the Orbx one.

 You also have a file MeshXP_Washington_Oregon_Overlays/ which is sitting above Global Airports and TE Oregon & TE Washington and will therefore be sitting on top of the TE Oregon/ Washington addons. I don't know the content of that file but when it includes the word Overlay in the title it possibly has mesh/autogen and tree placement data. I am moving it to way below TE Oregon & TE Washington entries in the .ini as it also may be interfering/conflicting . Do you really need it?  Both TE Oregon and TE Washington have their own meshes and Overlays. 

 I have moved to above Global Airports your 2 files /USA_FL_KMCF Mac Dill AFB HD v1.3/ & USA_FL_KMCO_Orlando International 4.2/ because I am assuming they are airports/bases? If they are not then move them back down to where they were. I am unfamiliar with those addons but because their title includes an ICAO reference, I have assumed they are indeed airports.

 I also notice you have the DD Washington addon and ask you confirm you have attended to the mesh conflict noted in various "Compatibility" posts regarding that addon with TE Washington.



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Many thanks for getting back so soon...much appreciated! I'm much more a flyer than a scenery guy so your advice is more than welcome.


I looked up the Treelines/Farms thing and based on the description might well be the culprit. The MeshXP_Washington thing...well I'm not sure what that's for or where I got it, but it sounds like I don't need it.


The KMCF and KMCO files are indeed airports. The DD Washington is the other Washington (DC) and I do have an issue with that since the latest x-plane update included a "new" DC area that is apparently on  top of the DD one...and it's not as good. I can probably solve this by shifting it around in the .ini file.


FWIW, I did have to move the KSEA demo area around after installing TE Washington as all the airport buildings disappeared at KSEA. Managed to figure that out myself...remarkable!


I will try out the .ini you sent me and will get back with the results.


Once again, thanks for a great product and the great support you provide here!







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Good news and bad news...the two airports are now in their rightful place and work well. The bad news...orchards are still there and it's harvest time here, I'm going to have to start hiring migrant workers!


Tried the .ini you sent...no luck. Deleted the Treelines/Farms thing as well as the Mesh_XP files..no change. Arrgh!


I've attached the latest .ini for your perusal.





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18 minutes ago, wain71 said:

I would have put good money on it being treelines/farms.....

Looking at the .ini it looks OK. The only option I can now think of is an experimental one to determine if one of your addons is causing the problem, or if indeed TE Oregon has loads of orchards! It's a PITA but you could try disabling ALL addons except TE Oregon and OrbxLibs.

 I have just flown over the area based on your location shown in your map pics and don't see the trees you do. Yes there are some orchards depicted but they are from the ortho pic and not actual "autogen" type trees that you have.

 My first piece of testing advice is for you save a copy of your scenery_packs.ini to a safe place and then to place the 3 TE Oregon files right on top of the .ini. that is in the Custom Scenery folder.You won't have anything interfering if you do that. Fly from KUEG, note the airport may not show any buildings etc because your TE Oregon will be overlaying the airport. Have a fly around East of KUEG like in your pics and see if there are orchards appearing. If not then we /you know it is another addon that is causing your problem. If the orchards are there, then you know it's a part of TE Oregon ! Your final test option is set out below:


 My conclusion is that if you are insistent on getting rid of them or at least finding the source, you will have to do the disable thing. The easiest way (if you don't have X-Organiser, which i don't have or use) is to write _DISABLED to all your sceneries in Custom Scenery and see what TE Oregon looks like on its own.

You must keep a copy of the scenery_packs.ini that you currently have so that when you have re-enabled all the sceneries you can just drop the saved .ini back in to Custom Scenery. Obviously when you have disabled all the sceneries a new .ini will be made, and will continue renewing the .ini as you re-enable your sceneries.I don't think I can offer much more advice



SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-121/
SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-122/m

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I will try moving TE Oregon files to the top to see what happens. I really don't look forward to disabling everything if it can be avoided. Since this issue infests the whole of Oregon and Washington, I would like to find the problem. I don't have XOrganizer so it would be an arduous task.


In the interim, if attached a sample of my log.txt file that commences with the flight out of KEUG. It's gibberish to me, but wonder if it might have any relevance to the issue at hand or if it might be causing other issues. Any insight would be appreciated.




log txt sample.txt

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Good news. The .ini file you sent me did work...when I applied it to the copy of xplane that actually had TE Oregon installed (blush) my bad. So we're out of the woods so to speak on that one.


You'll note that the log.txt in the last post doesn't include Oregon so I've attached a more recent one documenting a more recent flight that does have the TE Oregon stuff installed.


Would like to know what all this means and is it important.


Many thanks for your assistance!



log txt 2.txt

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5 minutes ago, craigeaglefire said:


i feel your pain...


the use of xOrganizer has completely transformed my XP11 experience - for me a must have & darned good $value...



I've been considering xOrganizer and should probably bite the bullet and get it. Surely useful if you have a lot of addon stuff as I seem to have acquired over time.


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