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AI Packages


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Will there be a specific notice to identify when the AI Traffic North America GA and Australia & New Zealand packages are ready for installation with orbx central? I recently installed both and there were files galore with duplicate names.



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Hi Rick,


These should work fine now. The issue you're likely referring to was an issue related to the migration process of the AI traffic products.


If you're installing the AI traffic into a library and receive the duplicate name issue, delete the FTX aircraft folders in P3D/SimObjects/Airplanes. If this doesn't resolve it, let us know and we can troubleshoot this further.

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Thanks for your response. I did last install them into a library, after migrating. So I will install both again and before I start P3Dv4.5 I will delete the FTX aircraft folders. Quick question as I have not previously looked in detail at this folder, will I find just the two folders for FTX AC ( NA and Aus/NZ) or will I need to delete individually each AC?


Thanks again.


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