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Are updates still going to be available through FTX Central?


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I saw that ORBX Central is out.  I downloaded and installed it but do not like the way it operates and want to stay with FTX Central.  Will that be possible?  If not is there any way to get rid of the "advertising" on the pages.  I liked the feature in FTX Central where it would only show the products I had installed/purchased and found the "My Products" link in Central.  It would be nice if I could set that as my home page.  

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I think I just found my answer.  FTX Central says everything is up to date but Central says there are two updates, one for Global and another for Pacific Northwest.  If I go into my orbx account and try to manually download those updates they are not available.  And there is no provision in Central to manually download the files and install them from a download location.  So it looks like that is the way Central works and it's not for me.  Guess I won't be purchasing any more ORBX stuff.

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I also discovered if I use the library system in Central that the ORBX scenery will appear in both the scenery library and under addons.  Wow who thought that one up?  I have no desire to have to manage my scenery under addons.  I have to go into addons to bring up one or two of my addons during flight and have no desire to have to sort through tons of entries to find them.  They could at least allow you to install the scenery into the scenery library as before OR use the library system.  So for now I will not be using Central and will stick with FTX Central.

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I've been thinking about what I have written above and think I need to reflect on how the new Central operates and understand it better.  in the mean time I will continue to watch the ORBX forum and see what others think about the new Central.

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