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Missing .dds File Washington Orthos X-Plane 11


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X-Plane 11 either won't start or crashed when entering scenery space while flying.
Tried installing Washington twice. 
Tried verifying Washington twice.
Same error:  could not locate image file for terrain.   See attached snip.
Thanks in advance for any help.


Xplane 11 Error Wont Start Up 081019.PNG

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I am having the identical problem as Smitty, only with TEGB South in XP11.35.  After numerous un and reinstalls and verifies in Orbx Central, I get the XP error message that 2 files are missing: ab90x10000x17.ter and .dds.  When I look at the folders, the .ter file exists but there is no file of that name or type under terrain/textures. 


I have seen the help messages referenced by Doug, which is why I have done multiple uninstalls and reinstalls and verifies.  Unless there is a fix for this, I can’t use this product and will need to request a refund.  Color me vastly disappointed as I recently purchased XP and was really looking forward to using TEGB South.  My normal sim is AFS2, maybe I should wait for it to come out on that platform...

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I am not sure why you chose to add the section after "Unless".

If you are sure that there is only one file missing, then I have attached that file.

Please notify me when you have downloaded it.


If and when you find that there are in fact many files missing, please refer back to the topic

that Doug kindly linked which contains all the information that you need to check your

installation, find out why it is not complete and remedy the situation.


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9 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



I am not sure why you chose to add the section after "Unless".

If you are sure that there is only one file missing, then I have attached that file.

Please notify me when you have downloaded it.


If and when you find that there are in fact many files mssing, please refer back to the topic

that Doug kindly linked which contains all the information that you need to check your

installation, find out why it is not complete and remedy the situation.

ab90x10000x17.zip 8.35 MB · 4 downloads


Nick, thanks, I’ll give this a shot when I can find some time.  I added the comments after “unless” out of frustration and disappointment.  This is the first time an Orbx product has failed me (I have many now unused FSX offerings, everything for Aerofly, and this latest purchase for XP), and am concerned that my first foray into the world of XP add-ons is not working out so far.  No intent to offend.

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i have finally had some time to look at this, and after following all the tips and instructions, and doing at least 3 additional verifies and installs:


1.  The orthos/textures folder always contains only 224 png files, no dds.

2.  During the install process, jpg files are downloading to the textures folder.

3.  There appears to be no conversion from jpg to dds.


I’m out of my depth here, desperately in need of assistance!




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