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New central library - previous symbolic link questions

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I previously used a symbolic link from my D:/P3Dv4/ORBX SSD (small capacity) to my larger C:/P3Dv4/ORBX SSD.

I just installed the new Central and accepted the default Library location on my C:/ drive.


I see, when I look at each of my installed products, that there is a “Migrate to Library” option. I experimented with two airports and they were indeed moved to the new Library location.


Rather than do this for each product can I just copy all my symbolic linked folders in one go and place them directly in the new Library location?


Then do I simply delete the two old symbolic linked locations?


I am wary of screwing up my installs :unsure:


As always, thanks for your help.




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Hello, Roger.  I would prefer to keep my symbolic links active and forgo the "Migrate to Library" option altogether.  I have asked Nick in another post about this if it's possible.  I see no point in abandoning a perfectly good method (symbolic link), which works, and which doesn't require a possible revamping of all my profiles in SimStarter NG.



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Same here i already had symbolic link setup for my orbx folder to a bigger drive. I didn't see the need to migrate to another library. it does mean going forward any subsequent Orbx install will exist in a second library and install via .xml method but that's fine.


I was reading some articles about products installed via the xml method not being recognized with the Vector elevation tool is that correct ?

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2 hours ago, ijaz said:

Same here i already had symbolic link setup for my orbx folder to a bigger drive. I didn't see the need to migrate to another library. it does mean going forward any subsequent Orbx install will exist in a second library and install via .xml method but that's fine.


I was reading some articles about products installed via the xml method not being recognized with the Vector elevation tool is that correct ?

Yes, that is correct.  There is a work around suggested, I think, over at the Vector subforum, but as far as any new airports installed by add-on.xml method is concerned, Orbx or other third party products, I do a check of the airport I've just installed, and if an AEC is required, I enable it, then save the correction to a profile, which you're given the option to do if you need to.  In these cases of the airport being added by the xml method, obviously you need to save the correction to a profile, otherwise I think the correction is lost when you next fire up the sim.  Having already run the auto configuration AEC, I never run it again, because doing so negates all the manual corrections I've made previously.

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10 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Hello, Roger.  I would prefer to keep my symbolic links active and forgo the "Migrate to Library" option altogether.  I have asked Nick in another post about this if it's possible.  I see no point in abandoning a perfectly good method (symbolic link), which works, and which doesn't require a possible revamping of all my profiles in SimStarter NG.




Thanks for the response Stew. You raised a good point about SimStarter NG, which I also use. I will do as you suggest and keep my present symbolic link setup. It works well for me.


Thanks again.


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Hi Roger,


Products installed or migrated by Orbx Central will have a unique file structure, so it isn't as simple as moving the symbolic links across unfortunately.


You do not need to migrate any products to a library though, your existing setup will work just fine. Only new installations will be installed to a library.

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