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Good day,


In Finland, close to the EFRO airport there is a small lake which appears to be at a wrong altitude.




It is the Tervalampi at 66.601175, 25.920444. There is this wonderful Rovaniemi Revisited scenery which works in P3Dv4.5. It somehow "pulls" the lake down to the correct altitude,  but then it looks like this:




Just put it on the very long list of required fixes :rolleyes:





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Not sure (about my memory)...

But a long time ago, probably my FS9 or FSX times, I think having read that some water surfaces altitudes were hard-coded into the sim, putting some lakes into trenches or on mesas when using a third party mesh.

There was at these times a small program allowing to change the water surface altitude, where you had to plot the contour of the water surface in upside down view, then changing the altitude, but so much time ago, that I do not remember the name.

I remember I did change the altitude of a big lake in southern South America, but that was such a lengthy task that I did not renew the experience...


Anyway, enclosing same view under P3D and Toposim payware mesh. The small lake is somehow higher than the bigger one, but not as drastically...


Blue skies

EFRO lake elevation-2019-aug-2-002.jpg

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