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More Trouble With Gisborne NZGS

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I reported this elsewhere but that post was resolved so this has probably been missed. TigerTigerM reported wheels sunk at Gisborne and I went to look and mine are too. At the piano keys on 32. The wheels drop and rise when moving on the runway as well. Also note no shadow on the tarmac. The shadow on tarmac issue is not just at Gisborne either however, it is not an issue at many other airports eg YMLT is fine. Also note that the shadow is fine on the grass runways at Gisborne. When taking off on 32 the spraying dirt effect appears despite the runway being sealed.





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Hi Nick,


Well from your evidence I must have something outside of FTX causing this. I do not have any other NZGS but there may be something in VLC (Vector Landclass) or something causing a minor conflict with elevation.


I shall search onwards.





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Hi Doug and Nick


Yes, you are correct Doug. So shadows fixed! I managed to sort the dust throwing up too by turning off the cvx .bgl in NZGS or the LCpoly for Gisborne in the FTX_NZNI_06_CVX/Scenery folder. There must have been a minor clash between them. Now the wheels on Rwy 32 are sunk only up to the railway crossing then I have them the way Nick shows ie only a tiny bit sunk. Nick did not show a picture of the Rwy 32 piano keys which still seems problematic but can be lived with.








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I give in. It is not that bad but just a mystery to me. Mind you your tyres are not on the surface (especially noticeable on the starboard gear) but in it however, mine is worse.


Lets just put it in the too hard tray!! Funny about Whangerai as well.



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