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No autogen anymore, incredibly long loading times

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Hi, since lately I have no autogen anymore. When I load a scenario, the sim takes an incredibly long time to get past the "loading autogen" percentiles, and when it's finally done, there's no autogen at all, neither buildings nor trees. Yes I tried to re-install / validate most of the global product line, including Buildings HD, but to no avail. Yes I de-activated the latest scenery additions, but ot no avail.


Is the bottom of my scenery library even correct, or am I missing something? My sim is P3d v4.5.



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Respawn terrain.cfg - no avail.

Deleting scenery.cfg and creating a new one - success. When I use the old one again, it's stuck again. What could be the cause of this? I'm not exactly keen on rebuilding my whole addon scenery.


I uploaded my scenery.cfg for anyone who may find a fault in it.


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with over 200 addon products, I fear that the only way is to selectively disable your scenery until you find the culprit.

I see that there are groups, so this should be easier for you to at least find which group and then narrow it down.


I am sure you are aware but you can select blocks of scenery that are not grouped by clicking on the first one and then

press and hold the SHIFT key before selecting the second.

All of the entries between the two will be highlighted and you can disable them with one mouse click.

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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


I am sure you are aware but you can select blocks of scenery that are not grouped by clicking on the first one and then

press and hold the SHIFT key before selecting the second.

All of the entries between the two will be highlighted and you can disable them with one mouse click.

Thanks for that, I wasn't aware that this works in the scenery library, too. Today's my birthday, I'll see when I find the time but I'll keep you informed.

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On 7/19/2019 at 5:03 PM, Nick Cooper said:


many happy returns of the day.

I meant that it works in the scenery config editor, not in the in-game library, sorry.

Thanks Nick.


I tested *a lot* and it turns out that the problem lies somewhere in the conjunction of Buildings HD and other Orbx scenery. For instance, when I take my scenery.cfg away and let it replace, and have Buildings HD installed, it works, but doesn't show the HD buildings, but the stock ones. I'm fed up, perhaps I'll just do it again and start with everything Orbx?


Other than that, when checking for encoding errors with LorbySI, it says that there's an "incorrect character encoding" in the Buildings HD addon.xml



I leave you my addon.xml here, perhaps there's something wrong with it. It makes no difference though to de-install and re-install the product, I've already tried this.

Buildings HD add-on.xml

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the Lorby utility is reporting that there is an incorrect character encoding in

all my add-on.xml files, so it would appear that




and the author of the delightful Zakinthos freeware airport are all wrong.


It is not stopping any of them from working though.


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22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


the Lorby utility is reporting that there is an incorrect character encoding in

all my add-on.xml files, so it would appear that




and the author of the delightful Zakinthos freeware airport are all wrong.


It is not stopping any of them from working though.


OK, I think I found the error. Two scenery layers went missing, scenery\world and scenery\global. I knew of scenery\world, because this has happened earlier, but I wasn't aware of scenery\global. Yes, I know this folder, but I never realized its entry in the scenery library. I guess I am going to make an excel sheet with required scenery.cfg entries.


Now I can tidy up my sim I guess... ^_^

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20 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


they would be default scenery and default terrain.

Not much works without them and they may have been a casualty of the manipulation of the scenery library.

Exactly. Default scenery is scenery\base. Scenery\world is called "Global, Generic & Vehicle Libraries" and is placed between Reno and Las Vegas for whatever reason.

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Scenery\Base is named "Default scenery" and should be the second to lowest scenery library entry.


Scenery\World is in fact named "Default Terrain" and should be the lowest entry in the scenery library.


Scenery\Global is named "Global, Generic & Vehicle Libraries" and is just above Reno.


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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:



Scenery\Base is named "Default scenery" and should be the second to lowest scenery library entry.


Scenery\World is in fact named "Default Terrain" and should be the lowest entry in the scenery library.


Scenery\Global is named "Global, Generic & Vehicle Libraries" and is just above Reno.


Correct. I wrote it down incorrectly although I ordered them correctly.

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