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2 hours ago, sfreeby41163 said:

Dear Nick - I have tried this patch previously, no luck.  The screen shot I posted above is identical to what I'm seeing after having tried the patch yet again.  Suggestions?  Thank you for your time.  Scott Freeby :)

Try putting the patch above Global Airports. Your scenery_packs.ini shows the patch well below Global and TEGB so it won't show as it is masked by the TEGB content.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to BUG REPORT - EGHQ

Hello jjaycee1 - I'm not sure what you are seeing.  When I click on the scenery_packs.ini that I provided in my post above, I see the patch at the absolute top of the file - above everything.  Nevertheless, as you prescribed, I moved it from the top of the list and placed the patch just above Global Airports (yes, above Global and TEGB entries).  Still no joy.  Same exact problem as you see in the picture I provided.  Still curious about the patch showing "well below Global and TEGB so it won't show as it is masked by the TEGB content."  Thank you for your efforts to help me.  Any other suggestions?  I'm willing to try.  Thanks again, Scott :)

Cessna_172SP - 2019-06-20 5.44.44 PM.png

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Dear jjaycee1 - Just downloaded the file again to check it (again) and it DOES show exactly as you stated above.  To say "I'm confused" would be an understatement.  Yet, as I described, I did move the file (as I found it in my current scenery_packs.ini) from the top of the list to just above Global and certainly above TEGB installs.  Same result as pictured above.  Just wanted to set the record straight that YOU were correct in what you said in your initial, helpful post to me.  Thank you again and please forgive.  Scott :)

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