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AUS V2 Perth and suburbs


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Hi Guys I'd just like to say that while you've done a fantastic job getting Australia updated I have to say Perth and some of suburbs are a MESS, the suburb where I live used to show a shopping centre but now has tree tiles and a carpark, the city of Perth now has building tiles along the riverside and into Kings Park again it was okay in V1, the roads and roundabouts are huge and the railway between Perth and Mandurah isn't all there.

Now I understand it is a huge job to get things looking real why did you feel the need to change what was actually fairly close to what is here, I just Hope that Jarrad's effort on Perth will improve things here.

I have yet to fly the other states which sound great and will wait with baited breath to enjoy them in turn

No Shops1.jpg

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I have adjusted the Topic Heading. I have seen a few posts regarding customer dissatisfaction with Perth and its surrounds, perhaps instead the approach being taken at this time, a customer and or customers may consider creating a Topic in an appropriate section of this Forum with screenshots and Coordinates. This will enable Moderators and Developers to have a reference as to have issues fixed like the tile above.

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Hi Richard the coordinates are in the top left corner but as it's a wide screen shot they are hard to see, I'll see what I can do about that, regarding the rail line it's been here for a long time and although modeled part way down the freeway it has never been continued in the scenery update, yet in the case of Melbourne from what I've seen they are pretty much all there which sorta gives the impression the west doesn't matter as much, also the roads in some of the suburban areas are way to wide and have huge roundabouts which look out of place.

Just my ramblings mate ;-)

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agree with ticker7,perth forsure and skyline specially airport features has changed which the orbx australia teamin the australia v2  is working on it,tho we seem some how forgotten in the west joking its ,time for the camera guru,s to strut there stuff :)and bring perth upto date :)

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I would recommend that you open a new topic titled " Perth significant POI's suggestions "


Originally  VOZ and then ORBX started out with a mainly Australian team that were in tune with Australian features ,

over time the ORBX team became more international based therefore some Aussie features might be missed .


The Melbourne Cityscape is truely wonderful and as far as I can tell is absolutely accurate , but that level of detail is limited

to mainly the CBD , of coarse that is a necessity to keep down the computing overheads , that results in the suburbs missing out .

In Melbournes case , the TV towers on Mt Dandenong were removed , and 2 significant VFR reporting points  ,

(1) The Academy , and (2) Doncaster shoppingtown , were not included , they should have been as all 3 are visually dominant .


In Brisbane the highly significant  " Storey Bridge " was removed , to the best of my knowledge it is Iconic to Brisbane .


If you want significant features that represent reasonable requests  in Perth list them in a specific topic now while it's still in development ,

it will be too late to request them after the package is released .




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