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Flight simmer's Wife Letter to her Husband

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Hi all,


Digging through my computer today, I came across an oldie that has been sitting on my HD since at least 2014. maybe longer. You may have seen this, or it could be a first time read. In either case, I submit it with the thought that you will find a belly laugh or two....




I'm posting this message in your newsgroup, as I know 
this is the only way to get it to you since flight 
simulation entered our lives two years ago. 
The children are doing well. Our son is seven now and 
is a bright handsome boy. He has developed quite a 
flair for art. He drew a family portrait for a school 
project. All the figures were good, but yours was 
excellent. The computer, the model airplane, the 
chair, and the back of your head are rendered in 
detail and stunning accuracy. You would be very proud 
of him. 
As you'll recall, our precious little girl turned 
three in September. She still remembers that you spent 
the whole day with her on her birthday. What quality 
time it was for her when you allowed her to watch you 
recreate Amelia Earhart's last flight! She was so 
sorry that she crashed before your plane did, but she 
was *so* sleepy. Poor thing. When she asked how come 
Daddy's TV only had a grey picture, I told her you 
were staring at fog. Was I right? 
I'm also doing well. I went blonde about a year ago, 
and was delighted to learn that blondes really do have 
more fun. 
Lars, I mean Mr. Swenson the department head, has 
taken an interest in my career and has become a good 
friend to all of us. 
The house is in good shape. I had the living room 
painted last Spring. I'm not sure if you noticed it. I 
made the painters cut air holes in the drop cloths so 
you wouldn't be disturbed. They were very apologetic 
about splattering your charts. 
I've discovered that the household chores are much 
easier since you allow me to vacuum around you instead 
of using the feather duster that makes you sneeze and 
streaks your goggles. 
I will be at the ski lodge this weekend with Lars and 
the kids. Don't worry darling, we have separate 
bedrooms. He is very well aware that I am married. 
I'll try to call you. If the line is busy, I'll know 
that you are connected by modem to your flight 
instructor who is demonstrating advanced maneuvers. (I 
still can't believe that he's only thirteen. His 
parents must be very proud of him.) 
The housekeeper has been instructed to keep your 
coffee cup filled and to give you a fresh straw every 
three hours.Just let her know when you're getting 
hungry, and she'll give you some frozen pizza to suck 
Good luck circumnavigating the world via the poles. 
Should be a fun weekend! See you Sunday night! 
Carol (your wife) 



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