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Problem with TE GB South starting from any London airports

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Have installed TE GB South a couple of weeks ago and found it fantastic. Having flown from London City airport previously and all was ok but when trying to start now from any London airports I get the following report. 


Be advised,

Error, could not locate image file for terrain.

Custom Scenery/orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Terrain/a6c0xfdb0x17.ter

Custom Scenery/orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Terrain/../textures/a6c0xfdb0x17.dds


Pleas could you advise what to do. I am using a reasonable performance Mac which still took about 60 hours to do the complete conversion so I dont want to do it again unless necessary.

Also I am not too computer savvy.


Many thanks



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Missing terrain textures are usually due to not enough disk space to complete the conversion process so if you only have a few GB free that may be the issue.

If you can free up some space, I mean at least a few GB, then you could try to verify files in FTX central to complete the install.

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Thanks Dave for your reply.

I still have 1.61 terra bytes unused on the 2TB drive used for x-plane, so space is not a problem. Also FTX central is not yet available for Macs so I had to manually download the program and then use the cross platform facility to convert all to work on my Mac. Would it be possible for the missing files to be sent to me to be inserted into the terrain / texture files as necessary.


best regards



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