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We are 24 hours plus into it and all is well...

Jay Kae

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Well... after the initial problems with the prepaid release, almost 70 hours for Adrian and myself with 6 hours of sleep trying to fix the problems with the help of the lead engineer of the CDN company called Tony who went more than out of his way to help out with testing etc.

We can now say that the public release was a huge success, the ticket system at the Flightsimstore did not receive a single ticket about download problems, the servers have delivered more information in 24 hours that most sites would use in 10 years, 16 drops, 14 resumes only.

I have to give a major shoutout to Adrian who has been my soundingboard when I wanted to chuck the towel in when 'qwerty' became 'weqtyr' because I was so tired.

I am absolutely stoked that we did not let the developers and customers down in their time of need and that everything is humming along as it should.

Thank you all for your patience and your understanding. The impossible has been done, delivering 4.3GB to a horde of download customers.

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And once again, congratulations on the outstanding customer service. You gentlemen have worked way above and beyond the call of duty, and I'm so pleased for you that PNW is such a raging success.

As a total devotee of all things FTX, thanks millions for all your efforts; long may you prosper.


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Many thanks for the kind comments. I am astounded at how well things have been running since the changes were made after the issues with the pre-paid release. I want to apologise for that inconvenience as well.

But both Jay and myself have worked our butts off, and I want to reciprocate to Jay here, he has been an incredible asset to not only Orbx but The FlightSim Store. He is the mastermind behind what I would arguably say is 'now' (pre-paid issues aside) one of the best content delivery systems in the business. One that FSS will be utilising fully moving forward. Sure, we'll have other bumps to overcome but my hat is off to you mate!

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All nighters (as we call them in the architecture business) are never fun, tax one's patience to the limit, and test out all the family and friend relationships as well. A couple of all nighters in a row is even tougher...congrats to everyone who has put in hundreds of hours of slog on all aspects of this release...outstanding service, outstanding product, outstanding people!

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