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Abnormal waves

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Hi! I use P3D v.4.5 (hf), ORBX Global Base, Global Vector, NA Southern Alaska, Open LC Europe, Open LC North America, FS Global Ultimate - Next Generation FTX, REX EF, REX SF and HIFI AS. The issue: I get abnormal waves at coast lines. The animated waves appears as high, white, sharp triangles. I use ultra water In P3D v.4.5 (hf). The abnormal waves are world wide. I have reinstall the Client, removed p3d.cfg, cleared shaders, and re install ORBX Global Base, Global Vector, NA Southern Alaska, Open LC Europe, Open LC North America REX EF, REX SF, HIFI AS and removed ORBX Libs. All software are updated. I´m not sure but maybe the wave issue appears after the installation of ORBX Global VECTOR. 

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A screenshot of the abnormal waves would help confirm this, but it's highly probable that the cause here is that you still have outdated wave files on your system. Wave effect files for P3D v4 require the entry Ground Decal=1 in the correct places in the wave effect files. Without it you will see 'vertical waves'. All Orbx wave files distributed with the Orbx libs were updated quite some time ago and of course LM updated the default wave files.


I'm not sure why you would remove the Orbx libs; installing them does more than just add library objects. For example, files that control Orbx specific autogen and terrain are added, as well as many sounds and effects used by Orbx products.  


My guess is that Vector added old wave files but that would have been corrected by making sure your Orbx libs are up to date.  The solution is to make sure the Orbx libs are installed and up to date.  You can use the 'verify files' feature of FTXC3 to make sure. 


By the way,  the hope is that Orbx will be able to offer new wave effects for P3D v4 in the not too distant future.  



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