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TE GB Central Roads missing


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I installed TE GB south a couple of weeks ago on my iMac—lovely, no worries. Today I unpacked TE GB Central and... there are no roads. There may be a few motorways around, but Lincoln looking decidedly off.









Tornado - 2019-05-17 19.55.04.png

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Hm, possible--although it seemed happy with the TE GB South set. Will try with something slower. (And I've just installed GB North so we'll have another data point.)

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9 hours ago, rpg said:

Hm, possible--although it seemed happy with the TE GB South set. Will try with something slower. (And I've just installed GB North so we'll have another data point.)

Good way to test. Is TE GB Central any better away from an urban area in the fast jet?

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I tested TE GB Central with a Cessna 152, taking off from RAF Waddington--no roads. Then same up in Scotland (Lossiemouth, TE GB North) and the roads were back.


So took Nikki from EGLC, through London,



(Trafalgar Square with all the roads in place) and flew north.


Still fine out in the country:



I haven't looked to see where TE GB S changes to TE GB Central, but somewhere north of Daventry I began to notice roads missing. although when I circled back the ones I thought had gone were there. But a little further north, they disappeared and stayed hidden. Here's somewhere near Doncaster—you can see the slip roads on the left but the motorway itself is MIA.



I pushed on north, and up in Scotland the roads were there again (I didn't see the transition because it was cloudy ;) ) 




So I think there's something not quite right in the TE GB Central set. Not sure if it's worth renaming /roads_x to /roads and seeing what happens. What do you think?

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@rpg This won't help you but I am attaching 3 pics of what I see at RAF Waddington. I see roads everywhere. It would help when discussing a visuals problem to have the relevant pics shot from outside view so the full landscape can be see rather than the limited cockpit view. Anyway, my TEGB Central Overlay folder shows the 2 files of Roads and Roads_t only. No Roads_x. I am on Windows not Mac so maybe there is a difference.


Roads near the airbase


Roads flying away from the airbase


Roads galore


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I experienced a similar thing with TEGB Central and the roads.

I have been investigating a crash to BSOD at the boundary between Central and South at a very specific location, anyway not relevant.

Within that I found that in the configure this product control panel, neither the default or transparent road textures option was checked. In the Central_TrueEarth_Overlay folder I had a roads, a roads_t, and a roads_x folder. It seems there should only be a roads and EITHER a roads_t OR a roads_x folder depending on the selection within the control panel.

Making this the case by deleting the roads folder and renaming roads_x to roads made the option selectable in the control panel and the roads show up.

As a rider, I have only checked this out from Liverpool to the South / Central boundary at Uttoxeter because im still investigating my BSOD over the Foston / Hilton area.

See if there's a relevance to you in this case.



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Thanks for that, Matt. I do only have 

6 hours ago, albertz said:

roads and EITHER a roads_t OR a roads_x folder


in all three Overlays. On the Mac, you don't get the control panel, but I'm wondering if removing my /roads and renaming roads_x would help.

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6 minutes ago, rpg said:

Thanks for that, Matt. I do only have 


in all three Overlays. On the Mac, you don't get the control panel, but I'm wondering if removing my /roads and renaming roads_x would help.

If you don't have the Control Panel option on Mac then go ahead and rename the road files but make sure you make a backup of the existing road files before you rename.

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