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ORBXLIBS & Scenery Order

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Click open in FTX central it will go in your FTX central and download it will automatic after finished downloading and go to setting and force migration then you're good to fly sim. :D

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


please leave that to FTX Central.



I've tried to leave it to FTX central......but I don't seem to be able to uninstall and make a clean re-install.


Screen snip attached. Hope you can help!






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Just now, Nick Cooper said:


nothing wrong to see in that image.

What do you think is the matter?

I'd been mucking about with various scenery activations.....TE GB just didn't look right. I had moved the Lib entry at the same time.


I was wondering about the relationship between LC, Vector, FTX England, etc.....as I say, TE GB just didn't look right.

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TEGB is not affected by LC, Vector, FTX England, etc.


FTX Central is really quite good at placing the Orbx scenery library

entries in the right place in relation to each other.


You seem to have used the Insertion Point tool correctly.




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Sorry to butt in, but since you are speaking about the very topic I wanted to enquire about, may I ask this, please?


s just loaded in (from FTX Central) a lot of new sceneries.  They are all located at the top of the scenery file except for five ORBX VECTOR listings which are way down the list (see picture)

Is this correct?

Many thanks

Father Dane

ORBX Vectors.jpg

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8 minutes ago, Father Dane said:

Is this correct?




Yes this is correct, there is also one other Vector entry that is placed near the bottom of the scenery library, usually 3rd from the bottom, and it is imperative that these be left where FTX Central has placed them.

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22 minutes ago, peregrine said:

So, if TEGB is above FTX, LC, etc it should be the dominant scenery and I need not deactivate anything?



TEGB is photo scenery and a region so it therefore over rides Vector, OLC and any landclass scenery.

It will be placed with the regions and below the airports and should be left alone.

FTX Central places the libraries at the top as a matter of convenience.

Libraries are just that, a repository of files to be used by other products.

It does not matter where they are in a scenery library, as they are, by definition, passive.

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8 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


that looks like a bit of missing autogen, possibly as a result of adding the payware version.

Your first comment in this topic was



yes, i realise that but I thought I'd caused this issue through meddling with scenery insertions, including the libs.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I have a number or UK2000 sceneries - and a number of ORBX as well.  As a matter of habit, I install the UK2000 series at the top of my scenery list.  Is that best practise when using ORBX?  I have all the ORBX Global and LC packs and EU England etc as well.  What suggestions do you have?  What's best here?

Many thanks

Father Dane

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  • 5 months later...


just search the ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY\scenery

folder for the ICAO code.

Typically you will find three files for each airport.

Once you have found them, I would suggest that you create a folder

inside FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY\scenery, name it OFF for example

and place all the files you don't want into it.

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