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The Needles - TEGB South SP1


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Well I've bitten the bullet and installed the SP and the visual difference is very noticeable especially at low level. With no FPS hit I'm pleased to say.


Where does ORBX recommend the Needles entry go in the ini file? FTX installed it below Global Airports and above TE.


However, as there's a helipad on top of the lighthouse,  should it actually be above Global Airports instead, along with all the other third party airports?


So basically is it considered airport or general scenery?

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11 hours ago, Fizzelle said:

Well I've bitten the bullet and installed the SP and the visual difference is very noticeable especially at low level. With no FPS hit I'm pleased to say.


Where does ORBX recommend the Needles entry go in the ini file? FTX installed it below Global Airports and above TE.


However, as there's a helipad on top of the lighthouse,  should it actually be above Global Airports instead, along with all the other third party airports?


So basically is it considered airport or general scenery?


The layering of the Needles should be above Global airports as the scenery is labelled as an icao EGLH. Unfortunately when installing the SP, because Orbx have not consistently maintained their prefix format it is placed incorrectly. For example their airports have all been like this:


Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/......etc. That is with the prefix of Orbx followed by the ICAO, followed by an A (possibly to link it as an Airport, or for alphabetical reasons so that the scenery.ini alphabetic layering system layers in the group "A" therefore above Global airports.

For the Needles though Orbx has changed the format:

Orbx_A_EGLH_Needles/..........placing the A before the ICAO for some reason or other instead of after as in the other Orbx airport addons I exampled above.

As you know know well the .ini is very sensitive to layering correctly and unless sceneries are consistent in their title format, they will potentially be layered incorrectly.

The Needles is classified as an airport/landing facility and therefore goes above Global and not where FTX Central places it.

Pic 1 shows it paced where Central places it:



And here it is placed ABOVE Global:


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