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Strange scenery layout in New Zealand


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Something strange is happening in my NZ scenery (south Island) and airports that I have bought.

The last scenery I have automatically installed is the one from Iceland (demo)

Here is my scenery hierarchy.





As you can see, all has been installed automatically.


Then, I went to NZQN airport and see what I get (It is the same for NZFM)




So can you help me having the airport properly set ?


Thank you 


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18 minutes ago, Bruce R said:

More often than not an uninstall and re-install of both airports will fix the problem.


Bruce R

Greetings from NZCH Maneville,


Have you run the "Configure FTX Global Vector" tool in FTX Central Tools? It might help if you have not done so.


Bon chance,




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Hello PAT

Unfortunately it seems that I can not use this tool

Here is what I have according I suppose to what I have bought


So I can not use Configure FTX Global VECTOR.

Another idea ? These 2 airports sceneries were OK ...

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25 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


please start by running "Verify files" for each one.

This was the solution 6 I did a verify file and the airport have been re-installed and run fine

Thank you for your help !!!!!

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