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Elevation at Hammerfest ENHF


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In P3DV3.4 I have Norway, Notodden ENNO and Hammerfest ENHF.


If the aircraft ( A2A Bonanza or Real Air Duke) is moved from any airfield either in Norway or elsewhere, it installs as 'crashed'. as it appears to be an elevation problem. I've tried by opening P3D,

selecting the aircaft and selecting ENHF Active Runway. Same thing, aircraft halfway into the ground.

Moving from say, Bergen or elsewhere to ENNO, there are no elevation issues and the aircraft is as normal.


In Scenery all areas are enabled and ORBX Libraries are at the top of the list.


I have P3DV4.4 with the same A2A aircraft installed and there are no elevations issues in ORBX scenery or in others.


Only just discoverd this so am rather perplexed. Just wondered if anybody has similar  experience with this.


Your reply much appreciated.



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Hi Doug, sorry for the late reply. Took a while browesing through all the forums!:huh:


I need some help as to the file you are asking for this will be whilst the sim is running presumably. Apologies fornot know that side of things well enough.




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Further from my last,Doug, when I move from, say, ENNO to ENHF I select Active Runway. When the aircraft is loaded at ENHF it arrives on the taxiway and terminal buildings which is higher in elevation than that of the runway. So, this is a Lat and Long issue with the position of the runway.


Is that something for you to consider perhaps?  Don't know a way around this at my end of things.




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When in P3DV4.4, a move of aircraft from Bergen to ENHF locates in the same place whether Active Runway or Small GA (only one option there). Nevertheless, the aircraft is at the right elevation this time.


XdOPSGV.jpg             You may see the runway is lower than the parked position.




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FTX Central entries reflect that Airports of Norway has been deleted from P3DV3.4 and all other entries have been enabled.

Move to ENHF Active Runway results in this.




Still not on the runway either which, as I mentioned before, the elevation of which is lower than the taxi way. This only appears to an issue with ENHF in P3DV3.4 as per my other illustration shows of the Bonanza at ENHF but, both are not on the runway as requested.

Which is why in my thinking is the Lat & Long is incorrect in both versions. 






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Are the images you are posting visible to you? They are not accessible to me. I can not see your images.

Also, could please post a copy of your P3DV4.4 scenery.cfg so I can see the difference, but please just copy and paste the file, do not open it and paste the huge list of it's contents.





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Think you can see images now. Went the Imagur route first time.

First picture is Bonaza in P3DV4.4, second picture of the Beech Duke is P3DV3.4 As you see both not on the runway.


Just getting used to using your attachment requirements. Apologies and respect.






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Doug, mesh is set at 5M.


Judging from the posting you forwarded  there is clearly an issue (bug). As reported earlier, I've flown from another airfield and parked and saved the flight which is not what I want to do from the opening splash screen of P3D

It concerns me that an offer to Emile which suggests that 'if you don't like it you can have your money back' is a rather callous solution to a know bug which is not what I would expect from ORBX. Why should a customer have to compromise ?

I repeat, this is an elevation problem coupled with a location problem. The 'burying' of the aircraft doesn't seem to happen with P3DV4.4 but it does land with a crunch. Test this yourself and let me know why it doesn't land on the runway!






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I did do some testing in both my V3.4 v4.4 and yes there is a tiny initial drop of the aircraft to the ramp when loading and because of the curved runway and different elevations around the airport only parking #3 is given as an option, but other than that, I find it quite a nice airport and no real problems to use...and loading it from a saved flight that does not produce the initial drop, is no different than loading from the splash screen. It is a unique airport and very difficult I would imagine to create within the limitations of the simulator, so let's ask the developer @Finni Hansen for any other insight he may have for us.

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14 hours ago, Richbro said:

It concerns me that an offer to Emile which suggests that 'if you don't like it you can have your money back' is a rather callous solution to a know bug which is not what I would expect from ORBX. Why should a customer have to compromise ?

I repeat, this is an elevation problem coupled with a location problem. The 'burying' of the aircraft doesn't seem to happen with P3DV4.4 but it does land with a crunch. Test this yourself and let me know why it doesn't land on the runway!



if you are quoting another support reply, it is only courteous to quote it accurately and in context.


The reply


If you are dissatisfied with a product, you have the option to apply for a refund.

This does not guarantee that there will be one, the decision is not mine.


 was in direct response to the comment



I would't have bought it if I had known about this bug


made by customer Jeeno, before  Emile had joined the topic.

In this forum, topics should be read from the top down, not the bottom up.

It had been pointed out to Jeeno that it is not possible to load an aircraft at this airport

anywhere else except for parking spot 3.


In context and accurately quoted, it can be seen that it was not, as you seem to be trying

to suggest, a curt dismissal of a support request.


As Doug has explained and as is also explained in the topic that you misquoted, the airport

is special in that it is built on a model to allow for the sloping runway.

It is a limitation of the simulator that aircraft cannot load at such runways because

the simulator does not cater for start locations that are different to the ground level

at that point.

It is not the only airport in the Orbx product range that has this limitation.


Interestingly, the default Maule neither sinks in nor does it land with a crunch.

Neither does my only P3D v4 A2A aircraft.



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