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XP nuances and Support in Orbx forum

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There are many questions being asked about XP and it's workings/nuances etc on the Orbx forums which I feel may be better placed on the XP.org forum.

We need to remind ourselves that Orbx has only just started to develop addons for XP after having been a solely FSX/P3D addon provider and that the vast majority of XP users on these Orbx forums are either new to Orbx or new to XP or both. There is no doubt that Orbx, via addons like TEGB, have increased the number of new XP users and the coffers of Larimar. Where I find a minor problem is in the support section. Not of the support for how to install Orbx products into XP but more in line with Scenery layering and adding Aircraft or xVision, i.e. non Orbx related queries.

The advice to these queries is being given by people, myself included, who are relatively new to XP ( I am XP for 16 months since the release of XP11 only) and maybe better directed to the XP.org forums where there are many greatly experienced XP users with vast knowledge to impart. Lots of the people there have been with XP since version 5 for example and know the in's and out's of the XP world.

Many here are capable of assisting in answering some basic questions and as time progresses more people will be able to assist to a greater level.

The P3D/FSX forums became a knowledge base for how to fly P3D/FSX in general and not just with Orbx addons. We have posts about how add xml addons, how to rebuild Scenery cfgs , how and where to add ai Traffic programmes, which modules of a P3D update are required as a minimum etc. Nothing really to do with Orbx but all to do with the great Orbx community P3D/FSX knowledge base.

We are nowhere near that level of XP user experience or knowledge base in the Orbx forums yet.

We will be and I for one look forward to being able to contribute to a meaningful level.

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All of the



posts about how add xml addons, how to rebuild Scenery cfgs , how and where to add

ai Traffic programmes, which modules of a P3D update are required as a minimum etc.



are a necessary part of customer support when the problem that the customer faces is not

the result of a fault in the Orbx software.



If a customer does decide to use this excellent resource, I would ask that

the requests are for X Plane 11 support and not Orbx product support.



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