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Cityscene Barcelona will not load in FSX-SE


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First entry 06/02 and silence as of 08/02. 

Any further developments on this matter ?


I am proud owner of 2,54gb Barcelona city scenery, but have never seen it. (FSX Steam) :(

My loading also stops at 6%............still after 30 mins same situation, no progress.


I have no other than FSX basis scenery in all of Spain as just recently I installed FSX.


Hopefully for FSX (Steam)users a solution will be found, as this is rather frustrating.



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  • 2 weeks later...




As far as FSX-SE goes, I will try and let the Dovetail developers know about the issue.  After that, it is up to them if they want to patch the sim.

Obviously, FSX is a 12+ year old product that has not been patched in years.     So, FSX users should probably stick with the scaled-back settings.



A bit of a tough one to eat I am afraid.

FSX-SE user base growing substantially, OrbX producing add ons also for FSX-SE target group, yet just Dovetail has to come up with the solution.

Do I understand correctly that this means no solution to expect from OrbX side ?

Even on the lowest of lowest settings, I cannot get passed the 6% loading mark, while running I7-9700K, 16 DDR4 ram, NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti and SSD.


I am growing my OrbX library quickly these weeks, but this remark makes me think twice if you know what I mean.

Guess for now I'd better put my OrbX purchasing on hold untill a solution other than scale back or better move to a newer sim comes from your side.

Too bad as I love your products.........no solution is going to hit the sales.


Hoping for some positive news still...




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4 hours ago, HansAga said:

I am growing my OrbX library quickly these weeks, but this remark makes me think twice if you know what I mean.

Guess for now I'd better put my OrbX purchasing on hold untill a solution other than scale back or better move to a newer sim comes from your side.

Too bad as I love your products.........no solution is going to hit the sales.


Hoping for some positive news still...


All the Orbx products you purchase for FSX now and moving forward, will always be available in your account to install into P3Dv4 at no charge in the future.

There are already a couple of Orbx products that FSX is not capable of running and therefore not offered for FSX, regardless of what Dovetail or Orbx do, it's just the reality and limitations of an old 32bit program. :)


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The 6% loading and then freeze issue on different sceneries, I have seen passing on the forum several times now in the last days/weeks, including other platforms... not just FSX.

Shouldn't that start raising questions about OrbX products ?


I know, after many years being out of flightsim world, I may have made the wrong choice on platform for restart, but neither P3D (also 32bit platform) nor XP attrackting me (yet)..

Playing FSX giving me lots of fun for now, not ready to make any swap.

In my view OrbX should inform customers better on their website on limitations for a platform.


It would be nice if OrbX would allow me to substitute my City Barcelona (take back) for me taking another scenery of my choice that will work.

If at all possible, guess have to follow another route.




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the pause at 6% has been with us for as long as the Microsoft simulator and

its length is directly related to the amount of scenery in the scenery library.

It should not be a surprise that the more scenery that there is in that library,

the longer it will take to load.


As to Cityscene Barcelona, it works well in FSX, though evidently not for you.

You can ask for a refund using a support ticket but there is no guarantee that

your request will be granted.

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As said before, I just rejoined FS world after several years.

Fresh start with FSX-SE, in there  Global base/Global Vector/EuropeLC/Trees/Global airport pack and OrbX sceneries City Barcelona and Innsbruck. 

Third party EKCH/LFPG/EGLL/EDDF/EHAM/GMAD.  that is about it.

Again my system specs: I7-9700K, 16 DDR4 ram, NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti and SSD


Would you consider this a high amount of contents of scenery library ?


I may hope that asking for loading Barcelona does not make FSX start up all addons at the same time.


Rgds Hans.


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what is stopping you from seeing Barcelona, does the sim crash or OOM

or do you run out of hardware resources?



Nothng to do with the scenery but I wonder why you have limited yourself

to a 1050ti when the rest of your PC specs are so strong?

It must be a very tight bottleneck.

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Thanks for prompt answer.


the 6% loading mark and after 30 mins still not passing that point is stopping me from seeing Barcelona I am afraid.    I just quit FSX and restart.

Sofar never seen the scenery...


Last week all my hardware I changed, except the 1050Ti, which giving me on heavy airports around 30 frames, out of heavy sceneries 100-150 frames easily.  setting: unlimited ofcourse.

Guess the video card is not really the problem here, happy with her performance.


Rgds Hans.

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Thanks for your your efforts and time spent sofar...


It seems all ok at your end, but unfortunately it does not change my situation.

Life can be tough.


Perhaps I should hand in a ticket and see what OrbX is going to answer.


Thanks once more..


Rgds Hans.

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I am only trying to show you that the product works very well indeed in FSX

because you seem to be implying that it cannot instead of it is not working

as expected on your FSX-SE installation.

In my images, both the product control panel and FSX are set to the highest

levels of detail.


It would be better if we try to establish why it works for me and no doubt most

customers and yet it does not work for you.


You could start by unticking all your other addons and see if it will load with just

this product active.

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Hi Nick,


Following your advice as we speak. 


all sceneries except standard FSX and all Orbx disabled.   Guess what ?

Right for the first time the scenery loaded.


At this moment I am enabling one scenery after another with average loading times not increasing when more and more enabled.

It takes about 4 mins. 


As soon as I hit the one entry bothering me, I will report..


Great assistance Nick this way, makes me feel the solution will be found eventually.

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Thanks to your help I found the cause of my City Barcelona not loading, even more it delivers me abt 40 frames more on f.e. Innsbruck as well..

Barcelona with all important sliders to the max giving me 50-70 frames...  I am impressed.


To blame is the "Steam - Night environment lights", so immediately deactivated...

Looks like it was doing more damage then just Barca, including my fps...


Ofcourse you understand how happy I am now, after you were this afternoon jumping in and shown willingness to help me out.

My big appreciation and thanks for your support, door open for more purchases. :)  "what a difference a day makes".


Rgds Hans.

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