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X-Plane 11 Tweaks so I can run TE GB South?

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I know my rig is marginal as regards running Orbx XP-11 TE GB South, but hope springs eternal!:)

The download & installation via FTX Central went smoothly.

However, at the moment,  when I fire up XP-11 choosing a Southern England starting point it quickly goes to OOM.

I understand there are a number of tweaks out there for XP-11 & wonder if anyone has been down the road of working XP-11 over, [& possibly Nividia & the TE GB South settings], to the point that they get it to where they don't get the OOM's?

& can share their tweaks, or indicate the location of such tweaks?

Also, I use Simstarter NG in P3D v4 to control the load up of scenery via slecting 'regions', thereby taking some pressure off the rig.

Is there an equivalent program for XP-11, something that allows you to load TE GB South & no other world scenery?



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1 hour ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



X-Plane 11 is a 64bit program and does not suffer from the OOM phenomena, so what is actually happening that leads you to believe you are experiencing an OOM?

I get a message saying I am Out Of Memory while the XP11 loads. XP11 then closes down.

However, I may have stumbled on an answer.

I found that in Win10 my XP11 drive did not have any 'Paging File' MB allocated to it at all.

So I gave it the max of 2,926MB & after that  was able to fly across Central London at 20 to 25fps.

I still have some issues with flickering power poles in the distance, but at least i can fly.


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18 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



X-Plane 11 is a 64bit program and does not suffer from the OOM phenomena, so what is actually happening that leads you to believe you are experiencing an OOM?

Hi Doug


Sorry to disagree but 64k or not, after I had loaded all three True Earth products, ActiveSky XP, XVision and all Orbx and UK2000 airports currently available for  X-Plane 11, I experienced several OOM's before upgrading my memory from 16gb to 32gb.

My new setup now performs perfectly.


Kind regards


Ian S

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Yes, a misunderstanding....the OOM phenomena of the 32bit sims is a case of VAS being all used up (this does not happen in a 64bit sim). What you guys are experiencing is running out of physical memory RAM, two totally different things.

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