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Ugly Orange Splotches in EU Germany Winter Textures


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While flying over EU Germany South I noticed these really orange splotches on the ground especially around groves of trees.  Is there anyway to get rid of them or fix them?  

I am running P3D V4.4 and in addition to Germany South I also have Active Sky + ASCA, ENVTEX, and ENVSHADE installed as well.

Screenshot (25).png

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It didn't do much unfortunatly.  Just out of curiosity I changed the season to summer and those same splotches are now a deep purple color.  I had this same issue when I used this scenery on FSX SE and I did not have ENVTEX or ENVSHADE at that time.  It seems to be some shading that was done on lines of trees that weren't part of any woodlands.

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I have never seen them and not seen this reported before, so we would need coordinates for your screenshots so we can have a closer look and try to replicate. You could also try the "Verify files" function in FTXC3 for the particular region or product.


Also, I would try reinstalling your ENVTEX and/or ENVSHADE . (I have seen a few reports now where this has solved these type of issues)


You could also delete the shaders folder and let the sim rebuild a new default set.

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This issue is all over EU Germany North and South.  I've also noticed it in EU England as well.  It is not present in Norway, New Zealand, Australia, or the US and Canada sceneries.  I can't remember the exact location of the posted screen shot but it was located southwest of Wiemar.  I tried verifying the installs though FTX Central and reinstalling ENVTEX and ENVSHADE with no luck. 

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4 minutes ago, David_MC said:

I tried verifying the installs though FTX Central and reinstalling ENVTEX and ENVSHADE with no luck. 


Also, if you have indeed done this and carried out a test flight, is there a reason why you were not able to capture the coordinates from the Shift+Z keys in a couple of screenshots to show us?

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Hi guys,


it's an unfortunate issue with P3D's dynamic lighting engine that under certain conditions minute color traces in dark areas of ground textures get "overblown". If you look at the actual texture sheets those areas look perfectly fine yet the display engine changes them. Previously, we had to deal with purple shaded areas, now it seems "the color of v4.4" is orange :angry:


I've made a note of this for a possible service pack but it's unlikely to be addressed soon given the frequent changes to the dynamic lighting engine with each new iteration of P3D. Fortunately, a quick workaround for flying in the affected areas and/or seasons is to reduce the Saturation slider setting in P3Ds HDR Lighting menu to about 0.5. Doing so will retain much of the color depth on objects (roofs, facades etc.) but significantly reduce the issues with those shaded areas.


Cheers, Holger



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