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PAHO elevation issues & missing scenery


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 FSX:SE w/Global, OpenLC NA, Vector, SAK and PAHO. See images below for what I'm seeing. tl;dr- no scenery & my plane a good 20 ft below the runway.


Fixes attempted:

- Uninstalled / reinstalled SAK and PAHO

- Ran Vector AEC auto-config

- Tried replacing ADE_FTX_SAK_PAHO_elevation_adjustment.BGL with one linked below.




Image 3.png

Image 2.png

Image 1.png

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Update: uninstalled and cleaned the registry of any & all FSX files, then re-installed via Steam. I can confirm that this "plane underground, no extra scenery" problem is only seen when using SAK, PAHO, or both together. If I fly with just FSX:SE w/Global, OpenLC NA, & Vector, things look normal.


In every test I've done, I made sure to rerun the Vector AEC auto-config, and that doesn't seem to help.


Unsure what to do, apart from ask for a refund... very disappointed to not see the wondrous Alaskan landscape as advertised :/



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Hi - I did so, and nothing changes, even after reinstalling PAHO. (And  - my apologies for not saying so before - I did use both FS Reg Repair and FS Reg Utility prior to posting my problem.)

Something to note:the link provided makes a point of saying to click "Flight Simulator X" and not "Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition." If I click on "Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition," I do not get an error. 


If I click "Flight Simulator X" I get the error attached. To remedy this, I moved a copy of scenery.cfg to the specified location. Reinstalled PAHO. Same issue.


Any thoughts to why SAK and PAHO give me issues, but Base / OpenLC NA / Vector don't?  


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The problem is created when two versions of FSX get installed on one PC and FTXC3 is writing to a different scenery.cfg than the one the simulator is reading, I have never tried it and still can't get my wrapped around it enough to be effective  here. The FSX uninstall feature never removes all the files required to do a clean install of the other version. So now we have to figure out how to get FTXC3 and FSX using the same scenery.cfg file. If it was me in this situation I would totally uninstall FSX properly using the instruction in the below link, and start with a nice clean build.




Or we can wait and ask @Nick Cooper for help, he seems to be very proficient at this task.

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Appreciate the help, Doug. I did an abridged version of what you prescribed earlier, using this as a reference: http://c-aviation.net/clean-reinstall-of-fsx/ . Looks like what you posted is more copious. If I have the wherewithal tomorrow, I'll give that a whirl.


And I'm also hoping @Nick Cooper can weigh in... I keep going back to the fact that it's clear some ORBX libraries work fine & others don't. Why wouldn't FTX Central consult the same registry entries / shortcuts to manage the scenery.cfg?


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Not exactly. I'd made a symlink  / shortcut / whatever-the-Windows-verbiage-is from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE to the Steam FSX folder, and there's a scenery folder in the Steam FSX folder.


There's a C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX folder, but no scenery folder within.

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Ah yes, I understand.


I just confirmed that my only scenery.cfg file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX . Searched my HD and also checked the ProgramData folder & AppData folder. That had been a problem before, and that's what led me to scour my PC of any FSX references and pursue a clean install this afternoon.



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That is only the backup default scenery.cfg that is found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX.


There still needs to be a C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg, or a C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSXSE\scenery.cfg


Doing a Steam Verify files for FSX should replace any missing items. 

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I needed to make a symlink in order to have FTX Central not throw errors at me:


mklink /d C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX"


This is after i ran a "Verify Files" operation on Steam.  I looked everywhere, and I swear that the scenery.cfg in this dir was the only scenery.cfg I found. There wasn't anything whatsoever in ProgramData/FSX or PRogramData/FSX-SE.


Is it kosher to make this link in order to progress?



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No, you can't use this method, FTXC3 wants to see the default scenery.cfg location. Actually, the sim cannot function properly either without the scenery.cfg where it is meant to be.


FSX no matter Boxed or FSXSE requires the below file structure to function, as you can see, there are other items in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX location as well.




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Then I'm at a loss, honestly... if I don't see that scenery.cfg appearing anywhere but in the Steam-based folder, what's going down? I've run the file verification a couple times over, and I definitely don't see that cfg in ProgramData...


For the record, here's what I see by default: image.png.5cd145025435a9cdf09a5738be626f8f.png


Should I be copying files to this location?

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Can't thank you enough for the help, Doug, but I'm feeling pretty hopeless at this point... anything else you can think of re: what may be happening? I'm fairly pleased with my Base / OLC NA / Vector stuff. If I gotta forget about Homer and SAK - despite fond memories of being there once - then I can accept that....

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PAHO does need Southern Alaska installed have you installed it yet? After you install everything, please post a copy of the scenery.cfg?


Also below is a procedure I post often.


Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".




Then run the "Force Migration" option in FTXC3 settings.


Then, if you have Vector installed, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, and check the Australia Add-Ons under the “Settings” tab, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.

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Just installed SAK after Base, NA, and Vector: same results. Plane under ground/snow & no scenery. Then I tried PAHO after uninstalling SAK. Same result. Then I uninstalled Vector. Same result. Then I uninstalled OLC NA. Same result.


Attached is the scenery.cfg as it stands now.


Last one for the evening. Thanks again for all your help & time, Doug. If this can get rectified, I'll be quite happy; but if not, I've put roughly 5 hrs into assessing this, after paying $100 for scenery. Not exactly feeling great at the moment....


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at the start, you received an FTX Central error message telling you that

there was no scenery.cfg file at C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX.


Logically, this suggested that C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX was

where FTX Central was looking and if you had correctly installed

FSX-SE, there is only one active scenery library file and that is indeed

where it should have been.

The message goes on to say that the scenery.cfg file is created when

the simulator is run once. It appears that you did not do that and instead

went looking for a scenery file elsewhere.


The scenery.cfg file that you attached does not contain entries for

most of the products that you say you have installed, so it seems that you

may have attached the wrong one.


I would suggest that you do as follows.

1. Delete as found:



C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX-SE

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE


2. Remove all your "symlinks"


3. Run FSX-SE once as far as the aircraft on the runway and close it.


4. Return to your programdata and appdata folders and see what has been created.

You are looking for either FSX folders or FSX-SE folders.

You should see FSX folders only.

If you do, go to this topic and follow the guide exactly.


5. Open FTX Central.




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Hello Nick,


I did everything as requested:, and then some. Still not working, but there's something extremely curious happening: I see no evidence a scenery.cfg file is being generated in  C:\programdata\, even though i can modify scenery order & see the modifications when re-opening FSX.


First, I followed your instructions to the letter. I deleted all FSX folders in the locations cited (at the time of your last post, there were no FSX-SE links / symlinks / folders / registry entries on my system),  started FSX-SE until I had an airplane on the runway, and looked for the re-generated FSX folders. As you'd predicted, the FSX folders appeared in the places specified. I then ran the FSX Reg Utility and confirmed that the registry was looking at the correct FSX directory. I went one further and searched my entire registry for FSX-SE, as well as a file search for FSX-SE: not one entry appeared. No FSX-SE folders or links anywhere.


When I started FTX Central, I still got the "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE\scenery.cfg'." error. I then ran the FSX Reg Utility and confirmed that the registry was looking at the correct FSX directory, and restarted FTX Central. Same error. 


I then completely uninstalled FSX-SE, deleted all FSX folders cited above- as well as the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX folder, deleted FTX Central, and re-installed FSX-SE.


Even after starting FSX-SE, getting an airplane on the runway, and closing, I saw no evidence of a scenery.cfg in C:\programdata\ (image attached.) And, as noted, I modified the default scenery order, and I saw those changes save. 


I then re-installed FTX Central, and I did NOT see the  "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE\scenery.cfg'." error, and it looked like I was "activating" OrbX scenery. But when I clicked on the "settings" button, I saw the error attached. And when I restarted FTX, I got an error reading "System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg'. Note: it's complaining about FSX, not FSX-SE.


Before I go any farther: should I create C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg ? And if so, can you think of any explanation re: how my scenery order is still being saved, even though  C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg  doesn't exist? Is there a chance that this file gets created and is being actively used elsewhere?


Thanks again for your assistance.







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Hi Nick, 


I've solved the issue. Hoping my work will assist you or others in the future.


I followed the advice given in this forum: I downloaded the Everything tool, and lo and behold, I found a scenery.cfg being generated in this location:




I confirmed that deleting this file leads to it being regenerated when I change the scenery library order, so this must be the scenery.cfg we have been looking for.


In order for FTX Central to play nice, I made this symlink:


mklink /d "C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX" "C:\Users\CHRIS\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX"


After that, things started working.


I have no insight re: why that scenery.cfg was found in the location cited above. I have Win10 as my OS, and I did once have to deal with issues stemming from an original FSX install clashing with an FSX-SE install. Maybe that somehow affected my setup? In any case, it's another location to consider, if users have comparable issues.... 


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