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True Earth Great Britain compatibility with ORBX UK Airports

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Hello!, this is my first post, sorry if I made something wrong.  First of all, many thanks for the new True earth Great Britain South!, it is one of the best scenery ever.  My support question is about the compatibility of this products:


TrueEarth Great Britain South

EGHA Compton Abbas Airfield

EGHR Chichester / Goodwood Airport

EGKA Shoreham (Brighton) Airport


I read that those 3 airfields need EU England.  I don´t have EU England, and I don´t think I need that product if I am using True Earth Great Britain South.


I have some issues:


Compton Abbas:  Mesh problems 




Chichester/Goodwood:  Objects covered by autogen



Chichester/Goodwood:  Poor autogen cover compared to the True Earth Great Britain 




Chichester/Goodwood:  Objects covered by autogen



I hope someone could help me.





  • Transaction ID: 5c5d8d21d9bd4
  • Product: TrueEarth Great Britain South


  • Transaction ID: 5c5f164f96158
  • Product: EGHR Chichester / Goodwood Airport


  • Transaction ID: 5c5f164f96158
  • Product: EGKA Shoreham (Brighton) Airport


  • Transaction ID: 5c5f164f96158
  • Product: EGHA Compton Abbas Airfield
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Hi Felipe,

About Compton abbas airfield, please just have a look in your Prepar3D v4\Scenery\World\scenery folder. if you find this file, 000_EGHA_FTX_Exclude_ALT.BGL, delete it  and you will fix this mesh issue.

I had exactly the same problem and Nick Cooper helped me to fix it.


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Several other Orbx payware airports for GB TE South (I own them all) are also concerned by this problem of buildings with autogen embedded in them.
In particular to Old Warden where this happens even on the buildings of the airfield itself.

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3 hours ago, Handie said:


Several other Orbx payware airports for GB TE South (I own them all) are also concerned by this problem of buildings with autogen embedded in them.
In particular to Old Warden where this happens even on the buildings of the airfield itself.


Thank you Handie, is good to know that I am not the only one with this issue.  Hope ORBX patch this in the future.

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On 2/10/2019 at 9:09 AM, level135 said:

Hi Felipe,

About Compton abbas airfield, please just have a look in your Prepar3D v4\Scenery\World\scenery folder. if you find this file, 000_EGHA_FTX_Exclude_ALT.BGL, delete it  and you will fix this mesh issue.

I had exactly the same problem and Nick Cooper helped me to fix it.



Hello Level135.  One question, if I delete that file, and after that I open ORBX Central, will the application re check the Compton Abbas files, and restore the deleted file?.



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6 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


only if you ask it to by reinstalling or verifying files, otherwise no.

When it does just delete it again please.

We have reported this many times but it seems that it keeps slipping under the radar for a fix.


Thank you Nick!

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  • 1 month later...


Is there any news with the Orbx airfield compatibility?

I have noted that the ghost buildings are related to the FTX_GBS_3DM files in TE UK, when I remove the files the ghost buildings disappear.

But still have the autogen suppression issues around the airfields


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Its a shame the autogen suppression problems haven't been resolved around at least Orbx's own airfields.   All it requires is a deletion of autogen in the TE files where there is coverage through an airfield, and then a merge of the two sets to produce a new autogen file for that tile.  Not terribly hard and certainly not beyond Orbx's dev capabilities.  It's clearly just not a priority for them.  (I don't expect Orbx to do it for other devs' addons - some of the UK2000 airports suppress autogen in abstract patterns for example due to the way the scenery is produced.)


No skin off my nose, if it doesn't get done shortly I'll do it myself - although I don't think everyone will have the skills, confidence or tools to do the same.

Could you fix EGHI please?  It's such a fabulous scenery, having slight autogen suppression around it spoils what is in all other regards a superb airport... :)

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