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How to activate ORBX Global trees in P3Dv4.4


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It might sound silly but I don't know how to activate ORBX global trees HD in P3Dv4.4.

Just installed  it with ORBX but can't see a difference.

Looked for files and found folders in "scripts"?

I have installed P3Dv4.4 not on C-drive, any suggestions?

Thank you,


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Hi Bernd,


welcome to Orbx!


The Trees HD don't require activation because they overwrite the default tree textures in existing folders. If you want to double-check your installation you can look at the file sizes in \Scenery\Global\Texture, for .dds file starting with "veg_". Most of the default files are 171kb or 43kb in size while Trees HD textures are 683kB.


Note that TreesHD doesn't replace all those veg_ default files because many are FS9 legacy textures that are no longer used in FSX and P3D.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

is it true that FTX Trees HD does only install 39 veg_*.dds files in the scenery\global\texture folder? There are altogether 174 veg_*.dds texture files in this folder, so only a minority gets replaced?

The reason I ask is that I have some annoyingly ugly (low res and very dark, especially sticking out from greater distance) tree textures that appear in some rural areas of FTX GES, where otherwise the autogen trees are very convincing and unobstructive. I suspect these to be old default textures. My treesHD installation is for P3D 4.4 and an older FSX on the same drive.


After changing some settings in FTX central (unchecked "search for files locally" and installing treesHD with option "create local backup") I found that it comprises 36 MB of 136 zipped files, while the complete 174 veg_*.dds files in my scenery\global\texture folder AFTER installation of treesHD only amount to 10 MB when zipped.

There MUST something be missing.

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After extracting the files with the cryptical names from the loacal backup of trees HD I found the following:

- among the 136 files there are 18 which are no texture files (maybe model files for the trees? - one of them even crashes my )

- there are 17 dds files of 2796328 bytes each (containing a grid of 4x4 trees in a 2048 px resolution), some of them seem to be the HD versions of ORBX_NZ_AGN_Trees and ORBX_EU_AGN_Trees

- there are 93 dds files of 699176 bytes each (6 containing a grid of 4x4 trees in a 1024 px resolution, and 87 containing single trees etc.).


There are, however, several of these files residing in the ORBX\Scripts\FTXTreesHD\ subfolders. Especially the 2048 px files can be found in the ORBX_AGN_new subfolder. Are these folders activated and used by the P3D scenery engine?

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Hi Marcus,


as I mentioned above Trees HD replaces textures for those autogen files that are actually used by FSX/P3D. No deed to dig through our archives.


The replacement models are essentially the same as the "cruciform" default except we're removing the horizontal cross-plane present in some default deciduous types that look odd (especially with shading active) and unnecessarily eat frames.


If you have believe there's an issue with a specific add-on then please post screenshots with location blended in, and information what local add-ons are active, so we can double-check here.


Cheers, Holger



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