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black airport surroundings

Wil de Boer

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i have these black airport surroundings in fsx.

in all regions ( this is KIAH ).

I have try`d to solve it with all kind off google searches but till now nothing helps.

Fsx on W7 ultimate global vector, Base, open lc NA, and Europe, region England/Ireland and Scotland



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Youir scenery library is in disarray.

I cannot help you with the dozens of other products, however, I attach a default scenery.cfg file.

I would suggest that you rename yours and replace it with this one.

Then run FTX Central and let it activate Orbx scenery.

This should allow the simulator to start and also let you see the Orbx products.


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Nick again thanx for the help.

I decided to uninstall fsx to get rit of all the abnormals so I format the fsx disk.

and then I realize this the moment to step over to p3d . 

I wil lose some older airport scenery but most of my AC is new and compatible .

When I install the orbx scenery wil it be on the  right place or do I have to use settings .

and I promise to never make such a mess again .


kind regards


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