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Black Textures or Missing Texture P3D V4.3

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Since the update to P3D v4.4, I have black mountains around Lukla. I have installed Aerosoft Lukla scenery and further I use ORBX global world, trees and vector. First I downloaded the Aerosoft and Orbx scenery again from my account and reinstalled Lukla, but that did not help. Than I switch off Lukla and Lukla LC in the scenery library and I had normal mountains again, but of course not Lukla anymore. After switching it on again the black mountains were back. 

Do you have any suggestion how to solve that? Oh yes, Lukla and Lukla LC are above the ORBX sceneries, and Lukla LC above Lukla. Further see picture.

I asked this to Aerosoft, but they suggest that I have to re-instal all Orbx scenery. What is your opinion? I updated P3Dv4.4 by re-installing the whole package.

Best regards, Eef Klaassen

Black mountains.jpg

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Hallo Eef,

Last week I had black spots on the mountains around St. Johann Airport in Austria.

I did:   delete the terrain.cfg file; start P3D and let build a new terrain.cfg file; run FTX central to add back the ORBX entries (of course only when there was a change).

Used the "Verify files"function in FTX central for FTX Global base; open LC etc. Looked if use Object Flow in FTX central is enabled and als looked if this was in P3D  (options - add ons).

When I started P3D  v4 again the black spots were gone: no more black mountains.





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The suggestions of Nick and Odaber, did not solve the problem. Now I go try the suggestions of Friet. He Bert, It looks somewhat complicated but I will follow instructions step by step. I will let you know.

Thanks for all reactions anyhow. Make a good start in 2019.

Best regards, Eef.

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Bert, I have an additional question. Which terrain.CFG do you mean. Where can I find it?

On 12/28/2018 at 5:15 PM, Friet said:

Hallo Eef,

Last week I had black spots on the mountains around St. Johann Airport in Austria.

I did:   delete the terrain.cfg file; start P3D and let build a new terrain.cfg file; run FTX central to add back the ORBX entries (of course only when there was a change).

Used the "Verify files"function in FTX central for FTX Global base; open LC etc. Looked if use Object Flow in FTX central is enabled and als looked if this was in P3D  (options - add ons).

When I started P3D  v4 again the black spots were gone: no more black mountains.





Bert, Which terrain.gfc file do you mean, and where can I find it. I deleted terrain global.cfg and followed the rest of instructions, but that did not help.

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Update:   I update yesterday the  scenery from P3D V3 to V4 and now I have in the mountains  "night textures".  Black squares illuminated by lights.

I did again delete the terrain.cfg file and did the verify files in FTX central for Global base; openLC Europe etc. but no luck.

So my problem is not solved after update to v4.

Maybe someone else can help? 





the first image at day time the second night.

Airport St Johann Austria

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Hoi Bert,

Ja het is allemaal erg gevoelig. In de bijlagevind je alle terrain.cfg files die windows in P3D kan vinden. Daar is dus geen terrain.cfg zonder toevoeging bij. Mis ik nu iets?

Ik raad je wel aan van jou zwarte vlakken probleem een nieuw topic te maken, want ik denk dan de jongens niet elk ouder topic blijven volgen. Succes ermee.


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Hi Eef,


Bedankt voor je advies. Ik denk dat het verstandig is om een topic te maken. 

De terrain.cfg file staat niet in P3D. Als je Windows 10 hebt dan zoek hier:   bij mij staat Windows 10 op mijn  C: schijf      dus:   Windows10 (C:)\Program Data\ Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D. Bijna aan het eind staat de terrain.cfg.

Maar het heeft bij mij niet geholpen. De night textures blijven wat ik ook probeer.


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Hallo Eef.

De beste wensen voor 2019. Mijn probleem met de night textures bij LOIJ  (St Johann airport) is opgelost.

Ik had een nieuw topic gemaakt met screenshots en Nick Cooper heeft daarop geantwoord.

Ik heb n.l. Germany South (GES) en LOWI airport. Zijn advies: kijk in de control panel van LOWI. 

Daar was het mogelijk om de Global Mode te activeren of de FTX Germany South Mode. 

Na activeren van de FTX GES mode en opstarten van P3D was de scenery rond St Johann zoals het zijn moet. Dus probleem opgelost.



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I saw a few black texture or missing texture. The first one in Monterrey - MMMY and the second one in Costarica - MROC.

These appear regardless of the season that I have.

I have verifyied the files in all the products but that did not work. 

I have reinstalled all the products but they keep appearing.

I also have uncheck Frozen Surface (In Winter only) in Global Vector.

No tweaks.


Products installed:

Global Base Packs.

Global Vector.

Global openLC North America.


Some advices?



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I just verify files but did not work.

I Fixed it as follows:

1.- I removed the file terrain.cfg.
2.- I opened P3D in order to get a new .cfg file.
3.- I verified files, i started with Global then Vector and the last OpenLC NA.

Now i dont have more black texture.


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