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Orbx LDDU problem

Giorgos Mamalakis

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Hello and happy New Year to all Orbx users.


A few days ago im istalling the LDDU Scenery from ORBX site and dowloading wit FTX3 

After installation i shaw big black shadows like a picture to attach my topic

any idea i solve the problem.


Best Regards to all 


forgive me if a sent my problem to no right topic its my first time to up load problem.

Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.04 -

Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.04 -

Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.04 -

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Hi Giorgios, welcome to the forum and a Happy New Year!

Yes, for first try to reinstall the Orbx library, but the problem shown in your shots indicates that it could be a problem with scenery order (and this could be fixed reinstalling the libraries or to copy the scenery.cfg file in a safe place and then delete it, so that when you open the simulator again that file could be automatically recreated).

Also, black textures of the terrain indicates that probably you are forcing too much your pc with the graphic detail. Try to decrease some parameters and watch if the situation improves.

"Wide server waiting for clients" could be this the problem? Did you have the same graphic problem in different areas? It's possible that the problem could be related to the FSUIPC, i haven't it installed, so i couldn't know to tell, but instinctively i think it could have something to do with it.



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Thank a lot Maurizio Giorgi happy new year health for you and your family.


Thanks a lot for your help.


I try to follow your step one by one. 


if i delete scenenry cfg all i lose all another airport?? and i need to install all of this from the start again?


if i replace the buck up scenery cfg and ask me to overwrite the newone  my addons its work  normaly again?


i have another places small black texture but not like this.


also i have orbx essa airport but not it install correctly 

i don t have error from "Wide server ορ Fsuipc.

I will keep you informed


my specks 







Prepar 3d 4.3

whitch speck for your opinion reduce my computer to have better result


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Hi Giorgios, Happy New Year!!!

The file scenery.cfg is located in c:\programdata\lockheedmartin\prepar3d v4, you could delete this one. There is another file, in the same directory, OldScenery.cfg and you could rename this as scenery.cfg and then launch your simulator that will reconstruct all the database. People follow this procedure also when the file is really corrupted and you can't launch anymore the simulator.

You don't have to reinstall, the scenery index that you have installed is recreated on the base of what you have installed.

And yes, you can replace as well the scenery.cfg that you backed up overwriting that one you recreated, to revert to your previous situation.

I think your pc specs are ok to run well P3D, maybe it's not a performance problem but something that messed up :)



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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to Orbx LDDU problem

Hi Giorgios,

i hope that can fix the problem :) ESSA airport is not yet implemented with SODE system, for the moving jetaways, but it will be a new standard for our new airports and also the older ones, obviously it depends on the single developer to update his product released with static jetaways. At the beginning maybe it wasn't so easy to utilize the SODE programming for technical reasons, i am not an airport maker but i am sure that the devs know perfectly all the implications on this matter.


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Maurigio finally got the problem with LDDU scenery I could not do anything. I will reinstall the simulator sometime from the beginning. Thank you very much for the ESSA ORBX update. Always be well. Your help and your direct response was valuable for me, sorry for the poor quality of my English. Good night.
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