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Runway disappears at certain angles


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I am using P3D v4.3 and I have the following ORBX products installed (all up to date):

  • Libraries
  • Global BASE Pack
  • Global openLC North America
  • Global Trees HD
  • Global VECTOR
  • All the NA regions except for southern Alaska
  • About 2 dozen NA airports (though my issue doesn't happen at these airports)


The issue is that at several smaller and usually one runway airports (not any of the paid ones) all around the ORBX regions, the runway disappears at certain viewing angles. I am using Chaseplane but this issue persists even when Chaseplane is turned off. Also, it happens with all aircraft.


I don't recall all the airports that this has happened at but the ones I do know for sure are L54 and 1G4. I am including pics of the issue at L54 below. The same exact thing happens at 1G4 and several others.

(The first pic is at L54 at the beginning of RWY 29, the second is about half way down RWY 29, and the 3rd one is at the same position as the second with a slightly different view angle)

L54 RWY 29 Start.JPG

L54 RWY 29 Middle.JPG

L54 RWY 29 Middle different angle.JPG

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Since I haven't heard from anyone about this issue since I posted a few days ago, I wanted to ask: is there a better place that I should be looking for support regarding this or is support maybe just really backlogged at the moment?


Edit: Or am I missing some info that support needs in order to help me?

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50 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Is this a problem with the scenery or is it a problem with Chaseplane?


I wish I knew :-) I was hoping someone could tell me. I didn't realize that turning off Chaseplane didn't restore the default cameras.cfg file. How would I go about restoring it to defaults?


I suppose this issue isn't the end of the world but it is a bit annoying at times. Thankfully it doesn't happen at every airport.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got in touch with Chaseplane support and on their recommendation, uninstalled Chaseplane completely and the issue still persists and seems to only happen on ORBX region airports. So I will toss this issue back to ORBX and hopefully someone here can help to figure this out :-)



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