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Default backup folder?


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1 minute ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



There is no default backup folder, only the folder you choose.

Exactly- I "clicked through" whatever dialogues popped up about backups and don't know where orbx saved its backups. Is there a default location where if you install and don't specify a folder, it puts the backup?

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There is no default backup folder, I don't think you need to worry about it....I just uninstalled the TreesHD from my P3Dv3 and fired up the sim and had trees that I presume are the defaults, I then reinstalled the TreesHD and was not presented with a choice to backup textures....unlike FSX, P3D will rebuild its own default textures and do not require a backup.

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Ok cool. This is something new: When I installed FTX Global World in the past, it would present me with a popup to select a directory to backup textures- I only have a 500GB SSD, so I put all backups on a remote drive to conserve space. The backup would usually be 1-2GB. I was a little concerned when I did my reformat for P3D4.4 and went to reinstall the FTX Global World Textures, that it didn't give me this option- just hoping that its not lurking around my C drive taking up space!

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