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  1. It's also certain airports that are much slower than others. LOWI I get 700kb/sec ... which means it takes a good hour. EDDM was 5 minutes, no problem!
  2. I hate to ressurect this thread... seems to happen quite often. I'll get awesome speed for the first 90% of the download, and then it slows to a crawl and takes 10 minutes for the last bit to download/install. Orbx is great stuff... but man!
  3. Noticed that the Frankfurt City Pack isn't addable to my cart- and after some digging it seems it might have come as part of the world update that included germany, and it is now freeware? If this is true, then disregard- however, if it still is an enhancement to the standard FRA above and beyond the MSFS offering, I'm curious about it.
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