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GTX285 Driver Help


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Hi Guys,

Just wanting to get some advise around if I should be downloading and installing the latest driver 196.21 for my Nvidia GTX285??

Not sure what I currently have installed but FSX is running smoothly atm and I really don't want to make any changes if I don't really have to!



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Guest J van E

My advice: if FSX is running smoothly and you like it as it is, do NOT change a thing! I would only change drivers if things are running crappy. There are loads of people still using (for instance) drivers from last year and they are very happy with it. Never change a winning team.

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And I might add that last driver (196.21) causes some malfunctioning to my 285: after a while it goes back from full screen to windowed mode. The same happens with other applications, so no FSX issue. After cleaning things and getting back to 195.81 the problem has been fixed.



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I am still with 182.50. I heard good things about the 196.21, so I installed it. Everything was ok but one thing: My gauges didn't update anymore (they updated once when I went from full screen to windowed or back, but then remained unchanged). So i went back to 182.50 :-)

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I am still with 182.50. I heard good things about the 196.21, so I installed it. Everything was ok but one thing: My gauges didn't update anymore (they updated once when I went from full screen to windowed or back, but then remained unchanged). So i went back to 182.50 :-)

I had the same thing, but the latest BETA's (196.34) seem ok.  I can't believe a driver affected the gauges [only], but it seems to be the case.

Unless other games are an issue, sticking with good and stable drivers for FSX only is very sensible advice… and the 182.50 are about as good as they come.

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Again I have to caution everyone regarding upgrading drivers.

It has been my experience if your Graphics Card is like mine a Ge9800 GTX+ then it's old school technologically speaking and really does not like later than about 185.85 Driver. Either I am NOT cleaning ALL the orphaned driver files out or the early hardware just will not work with the very latest driver.

As JvE has intimated if it isn't screwed don't muck with it until it is. IMHO far too many sim pilots are so paranoid about obtaining better performance they opt for using driver's that are made for current model cards and cannot possibly be made totally cross card compatable for Cards any older than say 12-18 months, don't get me wrong they might work BUT stability is the big issue.

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Guest J van E

just updated my drivers to the latest beta 196.34 and must say it's a smooth ride ;D

Just a smooth ride or a smoothER ride? And what driver did you use before this one?
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The quality of vid drivers seem to vary from machine to machine. IMHO the 195 drivers were thw poorest ever. I finished up going back to a 192 for my 285 2 gig card.

However I now have the 196.21 and think it's marvelous. Will have a peep at the .41 and see how it goes.

My advice is find one that suits and stick with it.

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