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Yesterday, I installed the Southern California region in FSX.  It seems to work fine.


However, at the time of the installation, I was able to access a product description (a .pdf file) with screen shots and some tech info.  That document in turn referred me to further info about the Region in what it called "User Documents."  I can no longer locate the manual that came with the download on my computer (searching for "Orbx" shows nothing relevant).  And I was never able to locate what the download referred to as "User Documents" --  not on this site, or on my own PC.


How do I access this mystical netherworld of information about my Orbx products?





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Thank you, Smudger, and I guess I should apologize for not deleting this post (if that's possible). 

Some time later, I found the docs. 

But the fault lies in Windows 10 ( a piece of excrement if ever there was one).  As I said, I entered "Orbx" in the search box, and it failed to find the Orbx file in my FSX folder!  With Windows 7, that would never have happened.



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